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This is your warning or invitation about unusual behavior happening between a man and a woman ahead. In other words, hot sex will happen.

I didn't have time to panic though, in the wink it took me to locate him. He was rushing back to his position behind me, carrying a basket that he must have hidden earlier behind some benches.

Feet scratching over the soft rubber covered ground, I slowed myself down, curious what he had brought. I didn't get to finish the job. Still swinging with some amplitude, he seized one chain and stopped me, before pinning me to the seat with an embrace from behind. Next thing I knew, he tugged a blindfold over my face.

"I think your eyes need a break." I didn't need to see to discern the mischief that had taken hold of him.

Hindered by Adrian to get anywhere close to his surprise prop with my hands, I asked, "What's going on now?"

"This is a playground. I thought we play."

"OK," I said slowly, as if the blindfold hampered my ability to shape words. Or maybe it was my conviction that Blind Man's Buff was not, what Adrian was up to. "What's on your mind?"

"A test, how well you paid attention at the testing the other day." I couldn't stop a short chuckle, but the attempt to do so turned it into a chortling cough. What I remembered of the testing, he spoke about, most vividly, were his fingers between my legs. Under the table, he had made me crazy while I had to keep a straight face in front of his sommelier. "After all, we don't attend such things for fun. Thus, I need to be strict with you in this test. For every mistake that you make, I get to remove one piece of your clothing."

What I knew now with certainty was that his hands hadn't spontaneously strayed in boredom. It had been part of one long, fiendish plan. Not to mention that he had requested in the morning that I should wear a dress. It had been another of our compromises that gave him permission to do so once a week and that now limited the number of my clothes to three.

Three mistakes. That would be the shortest game ever. And I would be naked. In a playground. Deprived of my vision.

"It's a dare," he whispered into my ear without touching me. I couldn't see him. I couldn't feel him. But I could hear his already throaty voice. I could sense the heat, effusing his body. And I could smell his taunting self.

I licked my lips. "What's in for me?"

"You mean when you pass the test?" I nodded. "Your choice."

This opened a whole wide range of options. But giving him a taste of what he was aiming for with me, sounded like the most fun. It was an opportunity worth fighting for. "Let's do it," I said bravely.

"Stand up then," he ordered, with the ring of a certain victory in his voice. "I need easy access to what will soon be mine."

When I had done so, I could sense Adrian get to work behind me. There was the clangor of glass audible, the plop of cork, the pouring of some wine. I thought, he set the filled glasses onto the board of the swing. But I couldn't be sure since the telltale sign of the sound of glass place onto wood was missing. I could hear other sounds though, I couldn't place. My mind raced, attempting to figure out what was going on. Time stretched. Too many heartbeats. Too fast.

Finally, I felt Adrian walk past me. He came to a stop directly in front of me. I was wedged between the swing and him.

"Are you ready?" he asked into my darkness.

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