Kadarius-"Hey Mrs.Tasha"

Mrs.T-"Hey kadarius honey. How you doing sweetie"

Kadarius-"I'm good how about you"

Mrs.T-"I'm making it. I can't complain"

Kadarius-"True. Ugh how NaNa doing"

It's like when I said that she frowned.

Mrs.T-"you got time to talk"

Kadarius-"Yes ma'am"

Sharece-"Baby where you going"

Kadarius-"I will be back"

We walked outside by the park.

Mrs.T-"Girl's go play"

They yelled yay and ran away.

Kadarius-"So umm how's NaNa"

Mrs.T-"I don't know. I haven't seen her nor have I talked to her. I went by the apartment  she's not there the landlord and her neighbors say she hasn't been there in weeks.  But she has been by my house leaving money in my mailbox to help out with the girls. She hasn't even been to work or school. My poor baby is out here doing god knows what"

I for some reason felt bad because I know the truth.

Kadarius-"I can't believe that. I don't know where she is I haven't seen her either"

Mrs.T-"My poor baby been through it all. When she was three she went to foster care she stayed in there until she was nine. Then her mom started to abuse and have men come over to her house and molest her right in front of her. I found out because my ex husband told how my neice felt so I divorced him. When NaNa got to middle school thing's got worse. My sister was pregnant and was on crack and cocaine NaNa became those girl's mother and my sister used to take NaNa to the crack house and the places she met men and made her watch. I've tried to take her in but she is so independent she used to tell me being a mother was the best thing that happened to her because it caused her to grow up and be mature. I don't know what will happen if anything happens to my neice I'm all she got and I can't help her"

She started to cry. I hugged her, I am trying my best not to get mad and snap because this doesn't make any sense at all.

Kadarius-"I am going to try my best and find her"

She wiped her face.

Mrs.T-"Thank you so much"

Kadarius-"Here's my cell number call me for anything. I'm here for you and those girl's"

I gave her my number and some cash she gave me a big hug.

Mrs.T-"Thank you son your mother would be proud. It looks like it's about to storm I better get ready to catch the bus"

Kadarius-"No need. I'll take y'all home"

She did a small smile. I went back in Denney's.

Kadarius-"Come on"

I put sixty dollars on the table. We walked to my Truck Mrs.T, Nadine and Nadie got in.

Sharece-"Who these people"

Kadarius-"Don't question nobody"

I cranked up and pulled off I really do miss NaNa and I am worried about her. Anything could be happening to her. I dropped Mr.T and the girl's off at their house.

Kadarius-"Remember what I said"

She smiled and went in the house.

Sharece-"Baby can we go shopping"

He Saved Me and She Changed Me Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora