"Did she?...."I began to ask, but was interrupted by Missouri.

"Don't worry, she didn't tell Sam and Dean about you, cause she thinks you must have a very good reason for hiding away from them."Missouri explained while pulling out a paper from her purse. She walked over to me and sat down on a chair by the couch.

"Good, that's good."I responded with a nod. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she didn't tell her brothers. Then Missouri looked down at the folded up piece of paper in her hand and sighed with a sad expression on her face.

"Ella wanted me to give you this letter."Missouri said while handing me the folded up piece of paper she was holding in her hand. I grabbed it and saw that it looked like it was ripped right out of Ella's journal.

"Thanks..."I said as I put Ella's letter into the inside pocket of my jacket. I planned on reading it once I got back into my truck. For now I had a few very important questions I needed to ask Missouri.

"Do you really think it was Mary's spirit, do you really think she saved the kids?"I anxiously asked while glancing over at Missouri.

"I do."She replied while nodding her head.

My eyes welled up with tears as I glanced down at my wedding ring and wished that I could've been there to see Mary. I should've been there for Dean, Sam and Ella too, but I knew I couldn't. The guilt of not being there for them hit me hard as fought back the tears that threaten to spill over. I kept repeating in my head over and over that I can't contact them...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Missouri practically yelling,"John Winchester, I could just slap you."

"Why don't you just talk to your children?"She asked while staring at me with brow furrowed.

"I want to, you have no idea how much I want to see em', but.... I can't, not yet, not until I know the truth."I answered while putting my head into my hands.

After I said goodbye to Missouri I left her house and hopped back into my truck. I pulled out Ella's letter from my pocket and unfolded it. Two photos fell out and landed on my lap. I picked them up and couldn't help, but slightly smile when I saw that the first photo was the one of Mary, Sam, Dean and I in front of our old house. Technically Ella is in this photo too, because Mary was a couple weeks pregnant with her at the time this was taken.

I picked up the second photo and a few tears streamed down my face, because it was Ella's first ultra sound photo. As I stared at the pictures I remembered going with Mary to her ultra sound appointment and the day we took the group shot in front of our house. Our family was so happy and little did we know what was going to happen. I sighed in frustration while wiping away my tears with my hand. Then I picked up Ella's letter and cleared my throat as I started to read it.


The letter Ella wrote to John said:

Dear Daddy,

Don't worry I kinda understand that you have your own reasons for not telling Sam, Dean and I that you're here. I'll keep my lips sealed as long as you give them some sort of sign that you're okay. Look it doesn't have to be phone call. It could be a text message, at least something that lets them know you're alive and well. They deserve to know that you're okay, so please just send them something, because if you don't Sammy keeps suggesting that we talk to the Feds to get help in finding you. Dean and I know how much you'd hate that, so we managed to talk him out of it. That might not work again, so please just send them a sign.
I want you to know something very important, that family is stronger together, so I hope and pray that you safely make your way back to us. We all miss you and love you so much. We're all doing okay and watching out for each other. Please be careful, I love you Daddy.

Your Little Ninja, Ella

PS. Please if you could send me a super, secret ninja star just like you used to when I was little. -Then I'll know for sure that you got this letter! Oh, and if you could please bring me something chocolatey the next time we meet, that would be awesome! I've enclosed two old family photos for you. I hope you like them. I love you and see you next time, hopefully with candy!!! Lots and lots of candy!


When I was done reading her letter I didn't realize all the tears that had streamed down my face. I took a deep breath and wiped away my tears with my hand. I re-read the last part of the letter and couldn't help but chuckle, because she's always been addicted to candy ever since she was little at least that hasn't changed.

"My Little Ninja."I mumbled to myself with a slight smile. I remember giving her that nick name when she was very little. Despite her size she would work hard to train like her older brothers. She's really good at going in and out of a place undetected. Basically her being little, and very sneaky earned her the nick name.

I placed the pictures on my dashboard and put the letter into my jacket for safe keeping. I started up my truck and drove out of Lawrence.

I was glad Ella wrote the letter and that she was going to keep her lips sealed about my whereabouts. Just reading what she wrote made me feel slightly relieved knowing that all three of my kids were together; watchin' out for one another.

As I continued to drive I thought about Ella's letter. I smirked while thinking about how she wanted me to send her a super secret ninja star, which is what she re-named the star * symbol on the phone when she was little. I used to text her the star * symbols as a way of letting her know I was okay whenever I was away from her, Dean and Sam for a long period of time. Then when her brothers got old enough to go on hunts with me she was still too little to go with us, so I would drop her off at either Bobby's, Pastor Jim's, Helen's or one of my other trusted hunter friends. She hated getting left behind and would get very upset. The only way I could calm her down was by pinky promising to send her a super secret ninja star in a text message. It was like our own secret code that didn't make sense to anyone else, but to us we knew exactly what it meant.

These old memories made me miss Ella, Sam and Dean. I debated whether I should give my kids a call to let them know I was okay, but I quickly dismissed the idea, because I knew it would only cause more problems and endanger their lives. I figured I'd take Ella's advice and text them once I made it completely out of Kansas. I just couldn't chance them putting the Feds on my tail or tracing my call.

Which is why I've gotta be very careful in what I put into my text messages for my kids. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. This was gonna be hard, but I've got plenty of miles to think about it.

 This was gonna be hard, but I've got plenty of miles to think about it

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