Should I stay or should I go?

Start from the beginning

Justine and I are still very close. We are texting every day and try to talk with each other twice a week. It's not the same and I miss her, but it is better than nothing.

Matts and moms sayings about Justine and me are keeping my mind busy. Why did they say that to me? I honestly like Justine! I can't really explain my feelings for her. I am thinking about them a lot. My best friend is Marissa for sure. But I love Justine like she is my best friend too. However something is different though. I love her like a sister, she is so protecting and I am so thankful for her advises. She is silly and super funny like my sisters. But something is still different. I am so confused. I'm not sure if I have a crush on her. I had crushes on people before but it always felt different than the feelings I have for Justine. I felt butterflies once I met a girl. And I kissed her, even slept with her. After that I told my family and friends that I am bisexual, but it's still not what I feel for Justine. Maybe my feelings for her are just so different because she is my soulmate.  


Tomorrow are the XF auditions in Providence. I can't wait to meet Demi there. I will not sing in front of the judges though. Haha, I would get 4 no's for sure! Demi wanted me to join her and watch the auditions from the audience. She also wants to show me everything backstage. But the most important thing is that I just get the chance to see her again. My girlie! I miss her! Glad I got a room at the same hotel.

I arrived three hours ago, walked around the city and had a little lunch. I am in my hotel room and texting with Demi. D: "Sorry that I am late, but the meeting for the auditions takes longer than expected!"  J: "Don't worry! I am ok. Can't wait to see you though!"  D: "I'll hurry up! See you sooooonnnn! Yeah!"  J: " ;-) "

I decide to take a shower and get myself ready until Demi arrives. I walk in the bathroom and enjoy the warm water running down my body. After about 15 minutes I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I brush my hair when I hear a knock at my door. "I'm coming!" I say and go to open it.

"Hi! Oh my god, hello! Come here!" I say and hug Demi.


Oh my gosh! Justine opened the door and I just wanted to jump into a welcome hug. But I noticed that she was only wrapped in a towel and I blushed. She didn't notice my weird face expressions and pulled me in her arms. "I am so happy to see you again, girlie!" she said and let me in. "Everything ok?" she asked me. "Ah, yeah. Everything's fine! I'm happy to see you too!" I stuttered. What the fuck is wrong with me. I saw a lot of girls wrapped in a towel but Justine was... No, stop thinking Demetria! She seemed to notice that I was nervous but she overacted it and started asking me questions about XF. I sat myself down on her bed, still confused and extremely nervous. I tried to give her the answers of her questions and avoid eye contact with her. Justine grabbed some clothes and went back to the bathroom. I laid myself back and hid my face under my hands. I shook my head. What the hell is wrong with me?  

"Are you tired?" she said and came out of the bathroom. I got up again and couldn't trust my eyes. Justine was standing in front of me only in her underwear. A really sexy black pantie and a matching bra. I've never seen her like that before and felt kind of uncomfortable. She looked stunning. Her figure is really perfect. She is slim and trained. Well not too much, but you can see that she is active and sporty. Her skin is fair and her wet hair is naturally curled. Her breasts looked sexy in that bra and when she turned around to get a shirt out of the wardrobe I saw a very, very perfect formed butt! I tried my best to stay cool and acted unimpressed but she kind of took my breath away. Five minutes later she was dressed, thankfully.


After I had put on a pair of jeans and a shirt I blow dried my hair and put it in a ponytail. We went to the hotel restaurant because there were so many paps outside the hotel, I don't want to see myself in an magazine again . The first time in New York I felt so embarrassed. I looked like an idiot on that pictures, shocked and almost crying.

We sat down and ordered our food. Demi seemed to be nervous and kind of insecure. "Is everything ok with you?" D: "Yes, why are you asking?" J: "You can't really look me in the eyes and you seem to feel uncomfortable."  D: "No, that's not true. I am just so happy to see you again. That's all!"   I knew that this is not the exact truth but I left it with that. J: "I have to tell you something, Demi!" I was really excited to tell Demi about my job offer. She listened to me and let me speak. I told her everything about the details Elisabeth offered me, about my talks with family and friends and I finally breathed out loud. I buried my face in my hands. I still had no clue what to do. But Elisabeth wants to have an answer next week.


Oh my gosh. She told me everything about her possibility to stay here in America, better than that even in LA. All I wanted to do was jumping on that table and having a dance party. And I want to kiss and hug Elisabeth although I've never met her before. But I tried to stay calm and quiet, because I noticed that Justine is really desperate and had no idea what to do. "I know exactly what you should do!" I thought to myself. I reached over to her hand and stroke it gently. She shyly smiled at me and asked "What do you think? How should I decide?"

"Stay!" was all I wanted to scream out, but I knew that this wouldn't help her. "I can't make a decision for you, Justine! I have no right to. There are good arguments for both possibilities. I would be really happy if you stay, but you already know that. And you can't decide because of family or friends. You have to decide because you want to stay or leave." She sighed. "Come on, let's go back to your room!" I said and we left the restaurant.


I asked Demi to stay in my room over night. She wanted to go to her room to pick up some personal things and her pajama. I was standing in front of the window, deep in my thoughts, when she wrapped her arms around my waist. I didn't hear her coming. We were just standing there enjoying the moment. I turned myself around to hug her.

"Isn't it crazy?" I ask her. D: "What?" J: "We've only met six months ago, but I feel so connected to you, like I've known you forever. The way we both communicate with each other and just get along so well is, I don't know. I trust you and I really like you so much!"  "Oh, thank you! I would be really thankful if you stay here! I know that sounds so selfish. But our friendship means so much to me, you mean so much to me! I need you around me!" she said to me and looked me straight into my eyes. "You are so cute!" I answer.


Justine is holding me in her arms and is looking in my eyes. I feel my pulse rising quick. Everything she just said to me was like heart-balm. She strokes my back and starts playing with my hair. Her smile makes me feel so comfortable and safe. I could stay here in her warm embrace forever.

Oh my god, they were all right! I can feel butterflies flying around in my stomach, my knees are weaken. I am falling in love with her! With those amazing blue eyes, her cute smile, with this beautiful woman holding me so close. She is stroking my back gently and sends flashes through my whole body. Justine leans her forehead against mine. "Thank you for being such an incredible friend!" she says to me. All I want to do is kiss her, but I am too afraid. I don't want to upset her or confuse her. I can't kiss her right now!

 Hello! Sorry for the late update! Hope, you all like it though!

I just want to make a shout-out to Nem1610 and her amazing story "Searching for You"! You really have to read it! I already love it!  Well, grannies have to stick together, right? ;)

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