chapter 11*

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I rush outside to see Niall standing by the stereo and his face is red. He looks up at me and smiles shyly.

I sigh.

“Well there goes another stereo. Alright everyone I think it’s time to call it a night”

I hear them groan but they start walking inside.

I see Niall start to walk in but I grab him.

“No you clean this up”

He huffs and hangs his head as he grabs the broom and starts sweeping.

I turn to Harry and he sends me a smile and reaches out his hand for me. I grab it and he tightens his grip as he pulls me inside.

We climb up the stairs and to our bedroom. I walk in and look around.

I see blue covers on the bed with a small flower design on the bottom. The bed frame is wood and is curvy. There is a crib next to the bed and it doesn’t have any colors yet because we don’t know if it is a boy or a girl.

He put a very plushy looking couch in front of the bed. The TV is mounted on the wall and our dressers are underneath it. We still have room so he is probably going to put some more stuff.

“So what do you think so far?” I hear him say towards me

I glance at him and I see him fidget. I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist.

“I love it” I say “It is… cozy. I like it”

He beams and kisses me on the cheek.

“Good. Glad you like it because I wasn’t going to change it”

I start to laugh at his comment.

I see him yawn. He looks adorable.


He hums.

I unwrap my arms and walk towards our dresser. I grab him his pants and a plain white shirt and my own pants.

We strip and put them on and we both climb into bed. We move towards the middle and he rests his head on my chest.

I close my eyes at the feeling.

The feeling of knowing that he is mine and no one else’s.  Knowing that he is just mine forever. It’s nice.

I feel him tracing patterns on my shirt and I’m rubbing my fingers on his waist.

I feel warm with him and everything. Like I am complete.


“Yeah?” I breathe out

“Tomorrow can we go out?”


“I don’t know just into the city I guess. We could just go shopping at the mall or the plaza. Just to do something… if you have nothing to do?”

I thought about it for a moment.

“Yeah sure we could go to the mall I guess if you want”

“Okay” he says “I love you”

I smile at just those three words.

“I love you too”


We step into the mall at 12pm and see the bustling of shoppers all around.

“So do you want to eat lunch now or eat later?” I ask

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