chapter 7*

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I open the door to my house and walk in and I’m greeted with my dad glaring at me.

But I don’t feel anything while he yells at me. I am just in a euphoric daze. Walking up the stairs to my room in a daze. I can’t hear my dad yelling at me or anything in that matter. All I could feel is the burning on my cheeks from smiling so much and also from Harry’s lips on my cheek. Closing my room door while walking in and just fall into my bed without changing. I could still smell harry in my jacket and I want to smell it for the rest of my life. I inhale the sent while I fall into a dreamless sleep.


Grabing the handle to the glass door and pull it.  Harry is talking to a customer. I smile at the sight and he looks around and sees me standing there and he smiles at me showing his dimples. I feel those familiar butterflies in my stomach start to flap their wings. I walk closer but stop. I smell that smell again. It’s more potent this time and I know what the scent this time. It’s an omega going into heat very soon. I look around the room trying to see who the omega is and tell them they need to get the fuck home. Scaning my eyes over the room until my eyes land on Harry. His eyes are wide and they are staring at me. I stare at him while I start to walk closer through the crowd in the shop. He has a panicked look in his features. I see him tell his mom something and she is nodding and pushing him towards the back door. Following out the door and head towards the back so I could catch him before he leaves. I see him push the back door open and scramble out and putting on his beanie and walking fast towards his car.

“Harry!” I called out to him

I didn’t smell the heat anymore so I thought the close was clear until I got closer to him as he stopped. He turned around and I saw the sweat starting to form on his forehead. The smell of his heat hit me hard and I took a step back. I almost fell back at the impact. 

“Louis” he said quietly “I need to go. I’ll talk to you later. I need to get home okay”

“You’re the omega I smelled in the shop” I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

He takes a step back and I could see the wet patch starting to form on his black jeans.

“I really need to get home” I nod as he walks slowly towards his car while I stay planted in my spot not moving. I stare after him, my eyes darker than usual and arousal in the air.

I saw him reach his car and was about to step in when a man steps towards him and grabbed his wrist. He was saying something to harry but I couldn’t hear. All I know was that Harry was shaking his head feverishly and trying to pull his wrist back. Anger started to bubble inside of me as I let out a growl. I started to run towards them and I stepped in front of the man but I got a whiff of another alpha.

“Get the fuck away from him!” as I pushed the alpha away from my Harry.

I stood in front of harry in a protective stance and glared at the alpha. He got up and growled also.

“Mine” I said in my alpha voice.

Realization was seen in his eyes as he stared at me and started to back away slowley. I guess being the head alphas son kind of had its perks. Glaring at him while he took steps back and I have my arm wrapped around Harry waist keeping him close. I could feel the heat from his body radiating of him. The alpha was gone and I opened the door and gently pushed harry into the back seat of the car.

I got in the driver’s seat and cracked the window a bit so I could get some fresh air. I need to focus instead of picturing me on top of Harry just ravishing him until he is content and finished with his heat. I shake my head and kept driving till I reached his house. I got out and took a deep breath of fresh air before I opened the back door and was hit with another whiff of his heat. This time more powerful.

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