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She took her last breath. I stared down at her smiling face as she grew even more paler. I hugged her, looking down at my hands as they were stained with her blood. I kissed her soft, dead lips as I thought back to the days we spent together. She knew...she knew she was going to die. I could have...I could have saved her!! I slowly picked her up in my arms once I composed myself. This all happened...because of us. I looked straight ahead as some of Risa's brother's men rushed to us. Their eyes wide, they exchanged glances and then began to head towards us, until two men cut them down while the other two stood behind me. It was the Sango that Risa had command over.

The man with a purple streak on his mask stepped forward. "Lady Risa..." he whispered as he looked at me and then they all bowed.

"Who summoned you?" I growled.

"We have a bond with Lady Risa. If she ever died, we will feel the bond break and we will automatically be summoned to her." The one with the purple streak mask spoke.

"We felt it we rushed here as soon as possible." Another with a red streak mask spoke as he walked in front of me.

"We didn't make it in time." The man in the yellow streak mask looked down at his feet.

"Now that Lady Risa is gone...what do we do Lord Saizo? We respected and followed her." The man in the blue streak mask looked down at Risa and then up at me.

The man with the purple streaked mask looked at me and then got on one knee. "We lived to serve Lady Risa. Once she passed, she left a note in writing, to follow you and your orders."

The others were taken back in surprise at his words. I looked down at Risa's face, my chest hurting and growing heavy.

"We had no knowledge of this, Tenzo."

"She left it to me, personally a long time ago. At the time, I was the first member of Sango she trusted." At Tenzo's words. They fell silent. So she thought this far ahead, I see. The sky was dark from the long day of battle, but also the dark clouds that hovered above, pouring rain over us.

"We are still on the battlefield." I growled, glancing back at her brother. "Pick him up and let's go to our Lord." I hissed the last part as they nodded, picked him up and we rushed back to the palace.

"I can take Lady Risa, Lor—!"

I glared back at Tenzo. "No one but I, can touch her!" I growled and he nodded. "I will need to see that letter."

"Yes, Lord Saizo."

When we arrived to the palace. I gently placed Risa in her room, with her brother beside her.

"Tell him I wish to see him in the meeting room." They bowed and quickly vanished.

I wiped Risa off with a small towel that had a rose on it. Her body was cold, but I couldn't help but remember how warm she was hours before. The blood soon stained the towel and I had to use another one. The crystal necklace she gave me glowed brightly, then dimmed back to its original state.

"I don't know what I will do, Risa. I'm afraid of my dark self at times...What do I do?" I held her soft, cold hands. "I'm sorry for what I have done to your home." A loud explosion came from nearby as the battle raged on. I kissed her hand and gently placed it beside her. I vanished and reappeared in the meeting room where the Sango waited for me.

"He said he will be here soon." When those words left Tanzo's lips, the door slid open and milord walked in with body guards surrounding him. The door was slammed shut as I stood at his throne, staring at him with no emotion left in my body. I did everything, to hold back my rage and anger.

"Saizo? What is the meaning--?!"

"She's dead." I interrupted.

He looked up with surprise as a flood of emotion clouded over his face. "N-no...this can't be."

"She died knowing the truth of what we did to her family, her home."

His face drained of all color.

"She died knowing all of this and yet she still smiled and sacrificed herself!!" I yelled, making everyone flinch as lighting lit up the room and thunder roared behind me. "She killed her own BROTHER, to save my own life." I pointed at him. "And your own worthless life!!" He fell down to the ground.

"I've regretted it after finding her!! She was like a daughter to me!!"

I shook my head. "You wouldn't treat your daughter, the way you treated her." I laughed as though I had just lost my mind; although, with Risa gone...I might as well have lost everything and everything I've known has just been destroyed. "I would kill you but...I'm also to blame." His guards got in to position to protect him, but The Sango got in position to defend me as well. "Then I would also just be hunted down and killed." My blood began to boil and my chest began to feel dead. "No, something much better..." I trailed off, vanishing and reappearing behind him, cutting any connection his nerves have to give him the ability to walk. His guards turned to strike, but I was already gone. He yelled in pain. "Tell your wife the next time you see her that it was your men that destroyed was your lieutenant, that raped her. You deserve this. Sango, let's go."

"Yes, milord." They emphasized that word, to make it known that they served me, not him.

"S-Saizo!!!" he yelled as we vanished with the lightening.

Once they knew that their lord was dead, the battle quickly dissolved and each lands Lord, were beheaded for treason. We rescued some of the people that the Sango were raised and close with, before leaving them to his cruel judgement. We packed our belongings and brought Risa and her brother back to where her mother and father were and buried them beside each other. We said our goodbyes and we traveled to a different land where we were able to live comfortably protecting our people. Tanzo showed me the note from Risa and each day that went by, I traced her writing.

Some men were sent to find me and kill me but, they never got far.

With Risa gone, I no longer had a meaning. Before, I served Lord Genshi since I had nothing and nobody. But that all changed when Risa came in to the picture. She caught my eye since the moment I saw her walk through those gates. I was surprised that I didn't see her when we infiltrated their land but, I was glad I didn't see her or else I don't know how I would react. this day, I love her and only her. No one could fill this void. And now that I don't have her...what do I do now?

                                                                          ~~~ Fin ~~~

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