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"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled.

He fell silent, pulling the blade from his shoulder. Saizo protectively stood in front of me. He removed the rest of his mask and on the left part of his face, showed a scar that went from his forehead, down his eye and all the way to his throat. His eyes were cold and sad. I hadn't seen him in years and he has aged so much. His hair was a dark gray color and tied back in a small knot, letting the rest of his hair flow behind him.

"Risa...forgive me for doing this to you." He shut his eyes but quickly looked up at me. "But I have to do this for what he has done!!"

"What are you talking about?!"

He glared at Saizo. "You didn't tell her?" he snorted. "You assisted your master, Saizo. Why should you be ashamed for destroying her family?" He glared at him as he threw the knife to the ground.

"Saizo." I groaned, grabbing his armor in order to hold me up while my other hand was holding my stomach. "What is he talking about?"

He didn't respond.

Kenji laughed hysterically. "You see! You can't even tell her that!" He laughed once more. "Your precious 'lord' was the one that attacked our home, Risa. Saizo infiltrated our ranks and almost killed father." He shook his head "But your lord wanted to kill him, didn't he Saizo? Then his lieutenant took your innocence!!" He paused, as if remembering what happened that night that I closed away. "You killed him when he was done..." My eyes widened.

"I don't remember that."

Kenji locked eyes with me. "You went on a rampage, then in to shock. I left you in the village to keep you safe but when I returned, you were gone."

"Brother, you can't continue to do this! I can't believe what you say!!" I yelled as flashes of what I locked away, were beginning to resurface. My grip tightened on Saizo's armor as he glanced back at me. I looked in to his eyes, everything my brother said...was plastered in Saizo's eyes. He wasn't lying. I bit my lip. My heart still yearned for Saizo, even if he was the one who destroyed my home...I love him.

My brother took this opportunity and ran towards Saizo as he held his blade in his hand. My eyes widened as I shoved Saizo aside and ran in to the blade, while stabbing my own brother in the chest. I spat more blood up as some drops landed on my brother's face that was shocked at what I had just done.

"R-risa! W-why?!" He yelled.

I smiled. "I do not want you to hurt anyone else. Especially the man I love." I gritted passed the excruciating pain and jumped off of the roof of their fort with my brother in my arms. I glanced back at Saizo as he reached out for me.

"RIIISAAAA!!!" he yelled. I shut my eyes as we hit the ground, the knife digging deeper in to my brother's chest, and the sword deeper in to me.

"R-risa...I was doing this...for our family." My brother coughed. "I don't regret my—decisions." He caressed my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes as my body began to grow weak. "I-I'm happy I saw more time." His chest stopped moving as his eyes closed and welcomed the soothing rain that falling down on us.

My body was slowly lifted from my brother's and was faced to the sky. My vision began to blur, but I recognized those sad red eyes. Saizo was holding me with one arm as his other pulled the sword out from me. My body was growing numb and my body was growing colder.

"Risa! No, please!!" He pressed firmly on my wound as tears flowed down his cheeks. "Don't die...why did you do that!? WHY?!" he yelled as he looked down at me.

"I can't...see the man that I love...die." I managed to choke out.

"You will be fine. I-I'll open the portal to the infirmary!" He extended his hand out in front of him and began moving it around. Whatever strength I had left, I used it to reach out to his arm and bring it down to my cheek as my eyes began to grow warm. "What are you doing?!! I have to try and save you!!"

"Saizo..." I whispered as he just stared at me, shaking his head.

"You can't die because of me! I won't let you!!"

"Don't blame yourself. It was bound to happen." He pressed his forehead to mine, all while staring in to my eyes. "Don't blame yourself Saizo..." I whispered as my eyes began to grow heavy. "I will with you." My eyes slowly closed and accepted the darkness that awaited me.

"I love you." Saizo's voice echoed as I smiled.

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