chapter 4

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I woke up the sound of giggling coming from the end of the bed. "Sh." I heard Lillian say followed by a another giggle. Then I heard Alec chuckle to himself before I decided it was time for me to get cause I could just sense that these 2 were up to no good. "Hey there Sleeping Beauty." Alec teased me before he kissed as he carefully set the tray of food on my lap.

"What's this for?" I asked as I took a bite of strawberry pancakes. "Breakfast in bed." I heard Lillian say from at the end of the bed, which she could just barely look over to see me. "I thought that you could have some breakfast in bed for today and relax with Lillian while I go check on my mother before she tries anything else. I would rather not have you or Lillian near her." Alec said as he picked Lillian up, placing her on the bed at my feet. She crawled up to me before she grabbed a piece of a strawberry. I laughed after she ate the strawberry because she had it all over her mouth. Alec went and got a wash cloth before he wiped her face off with a smile.

"She only gets messy when she really likes the food." He said before he sat down on the bed next to me and Lillian. "I love you. And I love you." I told Lillian and Alec before I kissed her on the cheek and Alec on the mouth. I pulled away before he could deepen the kiss. "I want to go with Daddy!" Lillian screamed as soon as I got out of bed to kiss Alec for good luck with his mother. "Honey, daddy doesn't want grandma to try and take you away again." I tried to explain but it was useless. She jumped off the bed, landing in a perfect crouch before she ran over to Alec who looked just as shocked as I did.

He picked her up as soon as she raised her arms up at him. "Do you wanna come along mommy?" Lillian asked as she gripped Alec's shirt like he would disappear. "Yes I most certainly would," I say before grabbing one of Alec's button up shirts. I put it on so that i was at least decent looking before going to see Maryse and Robert. We didn't even bother to knock when we reached Robert's office, we just walked in. "Um, excuse me. We are having an important meeting with an important Clave member." Maryse scorned us but Robert didn't say anything as he saw Lillian in Alec's arms. "Hi grandpa." Lillian mummbled before she hid her face in the crook of Alec's neck. "Something that's more important than trying to kidnap our daughter?" Alec seethed before he kissed Lillian on the head as she tightened her grip on his shirt.

"Your daughter?" Maryse questioned before looking at Lillian again. "Yes, our daughter." I say as I step in front of Alec and Lillian, ready to face Maryse again. "Alright, please calm down everyone." Robert tried to reason with us. "We will calm down when Maryse stops trying to take our child!" I scream at Robert and Maryse who look so shocked by my actions while Alec looks at me with pride. "Clary, come hold Lillian." Alec said after he grabbed my right elbow, pulling me away from his parents. "Ok," I say before I grab Lillian who grabs a tiny fistful of my hair again. I notice that she does that alot.

Alec steps in front of us as the Clave member starts to stand up. "Alexander and Clarissa." he says before he looks at Lillian. "And who might this be?" He asks as he takes a step towards us but Alec blocks his path before he gets too close. "She's our daughter and their grandchild." He says as he watched the Clave member like a hawk. "That's close enough." Alec said after the Clave member tried to ge closer to me and Lillian. "Mommy, can I go say hi to aunt Izzy?" She asks as the room gets silent once again. "Yes honey." I say before I kiss Alec on the cheek. We leave Alec to talk to his parents while we head to Isabelle's room. I knock first since I don't know if Rphael's in there or not. When she opens the door, I know he's not even in the room because she's still in her night clothes.

"Hey, Lillian wanted to say hi." I say as Lillian leans over towards Izzy who smiles as Lillian begins to play with her ruby necklace. "Hi there, Lillian." Isabelle say softly before she takes Lillian out of my arms. Lillian giggles when Isabelle tickles her stomach. "She's so cute." Isabelle tells me before turning back towards Lillian. They play dress up while I go see how its going with Alec. When I walk into Robert's office, I see that the Clave member and Robert are on the other side of the room away from a very pissed off Alec who has Maryse pinned to the wall. "You will never touch my family! Never!" Alec yells in Maryse's face before he's about to punch her.

"Alec, don't!" I scream from the behind him, grabbing his fist before he could punch her. "She threatened to take Lillian and you away from me!" He yelled before he turned to face me. I grab his face with both of my hands, pulling his face down towards mine. I crash my lips against his before he loses control over his actions again. "She can't touch us," I whisper to him after we pull apart, my forehead resting against his. "We will always be by your side." I say before he kisses my forehead. "You are no longer my mother, you're nothing to me." Alec tells Maryse and Robert before he pulls me out of the room with him.

I knew that Lillian couldn't see him like this so instead of letting him see her right now, I took him to the training room. After I had Alec go to the training room, I texted Isabelle asking her if she could watch Lillian for a little while longer. She said yes! Thank the Angel for Isabelle.

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