chapter 1

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Clary's pov

Alec and I were both resting for a moment before we started training again. He went to pick up his bow staff while I was on my back trying to catch my breath. "Really?" I groaned making him laugh before he came over to me offering his hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand after a minute of just laying there with him standing over me.

Just as we were about to start, the building started to shake. Some chandilers fell down, as some of the tiling on the roof fell. Alec grabbed me and tucked me underneath of him before he even thought about it. The other shadowhunters were screaming things to no one in particular. After about 3 minutes after Alec tucked me underneath of him the shaking stopped but was followed by a loud pop in the air. "Mommy! Daddy!" A little girl screamed making us look to our right.

"Alec, her neck." I said before we got up off the ground. "Daddy!" The little girl screamed again before she ran up to him. She was so small so she could just barely reach his waist as she hugged him. Alec picked the little girl up without even thinking about it. She passed out in his arms a few seconds after he picked her up. "We need to get to the infirmary." I said as I watched Alec craddle the little girl in his arms before they made their way to the infirmary with the little girl.

We made to the infirmary after 3 or 4 minutes of walking fast. "Who is she?" Isabelle asked as she saw Alec set the little girl down on one of the beds. "She said was our daughter." I said as I looked at the little girl before I looked at Alec who was watching the little girl. "Hey love." Raphael said as he reached Isabelle who was smiling as she watched her older brother watch over the little girl. "Hey." She said before she pecked him on the lips. They left Alec and me to ourselves since they had a date planned tonight. "She has our mark on her neck." I said as I cleaned the blood off of her little face. After I cleaned her up a little bit, I had Alec leave to go get one of my shirts so that she could wear it instead of the clothes she had on now. She was wearing a cute little sundress that had runes stitched into it. It was also covered in blood.

Alec returned 5 minutes later with on of my night shirts that had an emoji of pizza on it. "Thanks." I said before I made him turn around so that I could change her into the shirt. It was just about too big on her, I had to take a safety clip and fit the collar of the shirt so that it wouldn't fall off of her. "She's so small." Alec said as he watched her from beside of me. "I feel like I know her." I said just before Maryse Lightwood came into the room followed by 2 other shadowhunters who I hated just as much as Alec did. "We are here to take her to a cell." Maryse said before she pointed at the little girl, referring one the guys to come and pick her up.

"I don't think so." Alec said as he stood in the shadowhunter's way. "You're not taking her." I said as I stepped up next to Alec. "Alec, Clary." Maryse said in a warning, cold tone of voice. "No!" We answered in unision. "Have it your way Lightwood." The shadowhunters in front of us said before he tried to punch Alec in the face. As Alec caught his fist, I picked up the little girl before grabbing my stele from my pocket ready to draw a portal. Alec knocked the first one unconscisous before he caught the one that was coming at me and the little girl.

"Don't even think about it." Alec growled before he stood in front of me. He wrapped his arms around me as his mother got closer. "She's our daughter." Alec said with such pride. "She can't be your kid." Maryse said as she raised up on her toes to look at the little girl cradled in my arms. "Leave." Alec told his mother as the other 2 picked themselves up off the ground. "Okay, we're leaving." Maryse agreed seeing as she didn't want 2 her best shadowhunters fighting every other shadowhunter. Alec turned to face me after he made sure that they were gone. "Is she alright? Are you alright?" Alec asked me as he checked us over for any injuries. "We're ok." I told him before he kissed me on the forehead before he kissed the little girl on the cheek. I set her back down on the bed carefully before Alec pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "I feel like we know her." I said as he rested his head in the crook of my neck.

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