Waking up next to my beautiful wife and daughter was always special to me. They were both so peaceful. (D/n) was the mirror image of her mother but with dark brown hair, as opposed to Pyrrha's crimson red.

I dreaded having to leave the bed, but it was already late into the morning and I had to pack for a trip over the mountains. The Huntsmen's lodge in the town on the other side had sent for me the previous morning. 

I dragged myself out of bed without disturbing my family and dressed in the bathroom. Then, I set about gathering my supplies and visited the market for whatever we didn't have at the house. 

A light lunch was on the table by the time I got back. Pyrrha and (D/n) looked up from their meal and smiled as I walked in the door. 

"Hello, darling!" Pyrrha said cheerily. "Did you find everything you needed?"

I walked over to where she was seated at the table and bent to kiss her lips. "Yes, I did."

"Hi, Papa!" (D/n) shouted with enthusiasm. "Mama and I made lunch, so you'd better be hungry!"

I chuckled and kissed my little girl's head. "I see that! Thank you very much!"

I sat and ate my fill before helping to clear the table and returning to my preparations. 

Within a couple of hours, I was ready to go with just enough sunlight to reach the base of the mountains before dark.

Pyrrha and (D/n) came out to see me off as I finished loading the saddlebags on my horse. 

I turned to my family with a sad smile. I hated leaving them. I always worried.

(D/n) ran to me as I knelt to embrace her. "I love you, Papa," she said.

"I love you too," I replied. "Be good for your mother while I'm away."

"Yes, Papa." (D/n) then stepped back as I stood to hug Pyrrha tightly.

"Don't worry about us," she said. "You just be careful and come home safely." 

She was such a brave woman. I couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again.

"I'll be back in no more than 10 days," I promised. 

Pyrrha and I shared a tender kiss before she stepped back and took (D/n)'s hand. "We'll be waiting," she responded.

I then mounted my horse and rode away toward the main road, waving goodbye as I went.


I'd hardly made it half-way to the mountains before a rainstorm rolled in, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Damn it!" I cursed. "Of all the worst possible times..."

I pulled the hood of my black cloak over my head and continued on another 30 minutes before stopping to take cover under a tree. 

I hadn't been waiting long before I heard something in the distance. At first, I thought it was the patter of rain on the leaves, but it got gradually louder. I eventually realized that it was the sound of hooves. I looked back along the road and saw a horse galloping toward me with great haste. The rider looked to be a young boy, which it was.

The horse came to a stop in front of me. The boy on in the saddle looked terrified. I recognized him as one of the tavern-keeper's sons.

"Mr. (L/n)!" the boy shouted. "Come quickly! The village is under attack by bandits!"

My heart seemed to stop as I bolted to leap into my saddle and pushed my horse into a full gallop. The young man rode hard on my heels as I made the return to the village in earnest. 

I was met with the sound of screaming and gunshots as my horse burst into the village. It was pure chaos. I jumped off my horse and ran on foot into the fray. 

"(F/n)!" a raggedy old voice called my name. I stopped and looked around to see my father-in-law leaning heavily against the side of a building. He was obviously injured; blood was staining his clothing around his abdomen. 

"Dad!" I called in panic as I ran to the old man. "Are you alright?"

"No, (F/n), I'm not," he groaned. "I'm afraid I'll be joining my wife on the other side soon, but before I die, I want you to promise me you'll keep Pyrrha and (D/n) safe."

I helped the old man off his feet as he gave me his final wishes. "You need to find your family and get them out of here. Promise me, (F/n)," he demanded.

"I promise, sir," I muttered. 

He handed me an envelope. "This document will grant everything I own to you and Pyrrha. Go to Vale. Present this document to an attorney. He'll grant you access to your new home. You'll be safe there."

I stared in disbelief at the dying man. He placed a hand on my cheek. "Pyrrha is the only family I have left. Take care of her, (F/n)." 

"I will, sir. I swear it."

The old man smiled at me. Then his eyes closed and his hand fell limp. 

I grieved for a moment then turned and ran toward my house. 

One of the bandits tackled me from the side as I ran through the town. I jumped back up immediately and drew my sword. The bandit was slashed to shreds before he managed to attack me again. 

I quickly made it to my house. I heard a scream from inside and kicked the front door in to see three more bandits ransacking my home. My wife and daughter were crouched together on the floor, held at gunpoint. 

Their captors looked up in shock at me and opened fire. I ducked and rolled across the floor toward then jumped up, slashing with my blade. The first died quickly, and I used his body as a human shield as I charged the other two. The second man tumbled to the ground while the third was skewered by my sword. I turned to the second man as he got back to his feet and stared at him menacingly. He turned and ran toward the door. 

I responded by drawing a dagger from my belt and hurling it into his back before he could make it out of the house. 

"(F/n)?" Pyrrha asked.

I turned and rushed to gather my family in my arms. "Yes, it's me," I said reassuringly. "Are you two alright?"

Both nodded. I quickly looked them over for injuries. Neither of them were hurt, to my relief. 

"We need to get out of here. With everything that's happening, the Grimm will be coming within the hour," I said urgently. 

"We can't leave," Pyrrha argued. "What about my father?"

I bit back a sob. "I'm sorry, Pyrrha," I said. "I saw him in the village. He's gone."

Pyrrha covered her mouth in shock.

We didn't have time to mourn as I rushed the girls to gather their things and loaded up our remaining three horses. The one I'd left in town also found its way back home with all of my supplies still loaded.

Most of the village had been set ablaze by the time we reached the road. Pyrrha looked back at the flames as we rode away. Her eyes were filled with sadness.

"Everything will be alright, Pyrrha," I said. 

She looked at me on the verge of tears. "Where will we go?" she asked.

"We're going to Vale," I said as I focused down the road. "Your dad gave me the rights to his estate before he died. Everything we'll need is in Vale."

I said estate, but I honestly didn't know what awaited us in Vale. The old man said we would have a home there. I was just holding on to that idea. I had to have hope for my family's sake.

Life after Death: Pyrrha Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now