Chapter 14

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"Alayna, I need to tell you something," Elliot began our conversation. I was hoping he was going to lead the conversation in the way I wanted it to go. I wanted to tell him I loved him. 

"Go on," I nodded. He was holding my hand, which gave me great comfort. 

Elliot took a sharp intake of breath. "No doubt someone has told you about the curse," he paused for my confirmation. When I nodded in response, he continued. "When the rose is completely wilted, I, and all the servants, will die. No one knows about us, here in this castle, except you and your family. The rose... it's going to die very soon, as will all of us. I was wondering, if y-you'd be willing t-to take care of the c-castle, a-after all of us are gone?" 

I was thrown off by his question. He had so easily dismissed the possibility of me helping break the curse. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but he believed that it was impossible for me to love him. "Elliot, I-," I began, but he cut me off. 

"Alayna, listen. It would probably be a lot to take on, I understand. I want you to go home, to your father. You can discuss it with him. You can come back in a weeks time to tell me if you would like to take care of it or not."

This threw me off. He wanted me to leave? At this critical moment? 

"Alayna, I know this may be a lot to take in. I need you to do this for me, though. Is there anyway you can leave right away?" he looked at me with earnest pleading in his eyes. 

If I hadn't loved him so much, I would have said no. Unfortunately, my heart completely belonged to him, so I did exactly as he said. 

I hadn't even told him I loved him. I had planned on doing it then and there, but I had backed out. 

I formulated a new plan. I was going to see my father, just as Elliot had asked me to do, but I was not going to talk to my father about the castle. I was planning on telling my father about my love for Elliot. After my father was aware that I loved Elliot, I would go straight back to the castle and tell him myself. Then the curse would be broken, and everyone could live in peace. 

I quickly changed my dress, packed a small bag, and went to the stables to find a horse. The poor horses got so little exercise, I was sure they were very much bent out of shape. I found the least sickly looking horse and quickly rode it to town. It was very difficult, especially because it was so dark outside, but I managed to get to the town fairly quickly. 

I had almost forgotten where the new house was. I had spent so little time there, it was remarkable I had remembered its location at all. I was so excited to tell my father that I was in love, I was practically tripping up the stairs of the porch. 

I knocked on the door excitedly, the excitement at seeing my father again catching up to me. It was very late at night, so I was a little worried no one was going to be awake. However, I heard someone walking towards the door. 

The sight that met my eyes when the door was opened for me made me gasp. Mr. Whitmore had opened the door, looking incredibly disheveled, my papa shivering, asleep on the sofa behind him. 

"Sir, what on earth are you doing here?" I frowned, pushing him out of the way as I ran towards my father. 

"I've been taking care of your father. I think a more appropriate question is what on earth are you doing here?" he responded his voice fairly monotone. 

"I've come to see my father. Could you please leave? I need to speak to him alone," I didn't even look at Mr. Whitmore as I started feeling my father's head for a fever. He was burning up. I had no idea how long he'd been sick , but I figured it had been a while. 

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