Chapter Sixteen

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**Perrie's P.O.V.**

I'm looking around my . . . very colourful hospital room, when the door opens and in walks my ex-boyfriend.

"Hiya Pez!" he says cheerily.

"You don't need to act like I'm five, Zayn," I mutter, folding my tooth-pick arms across my chest, scowl upon my face.

"I'm not," he says, still grinning like a lunatic. I glare at him as he walks over and sits on the chair beside my bed.

"What do you want, Zayn?"

"I was just coming up to check on you," he says, still grinning.

"I'm fi-"

"And that to tell you that Jade's awake," he continues.

"Jade's awake? How is she? Is she okay? Did I permanently damage her brain?" Sentences come tumbling out of my mouth. Zayn holds up his hand, signalling for me to stop. I shut my mouth and let him answer my questions.

"She's fine. No, you didn't permanently damage her brain. The doctors don't know what happened. They think she just fainted due to dehydration. Or at most, she's had internal bleeding in her brain. But don't worry, they were just checking her out as I came up here," Zayn informs. I nod, thankful that Jadey is okay.

"She wants to see you," Zayn murmurs softly. My head snaps up and I remember the last words I said to her.

"You know if you were a proper girlfriend you wouldn't care what I look like! You'd love me for who I am!"

I grimace at the thought. "I said some horrible things to her, Zayn."

"She just wants to know if you are okay. She wants to know why you kicked Louis out. She didn't say anything about your fight," Zayn reassures. I frown, in thought.

"Can you pass on a message?" I ask after a few minutes. Zayn smiles and nods.

"Can you tell her that I'm okay, other than the worry that's eating me alive, and that I'm so so sorry and I shouldn't of said those things to her."

"And what about Louis?"

I didn't think of Louis. "Um, say that I'll talk to her about it when one of us is well enough to move." I smile.

"Okay. Tell her, you're okay and you're sorry and you'll talk about the Louis thing when one of you can come to visit?" Zayn clarifies. I nod my head once, smiling. Zayn stands.

"Okay. Got it. Anything else?"

"Ooh! And that I love her."

"I'm not-"

"Please Zayn! It'll mean the world to me!" Zayn sighs and walks towards the door.


"Oh and Zayn?" He turns, hand on the door just about to push it open.

"Thank you. For everything." I give him my best smile and he returns it with a crooked one. And then he's gone.

**Zayn's P.O.V.**

Perrie gives me one of my favourite smiles and I smile back. I can't believe she's asking me to say to Jade that she loves her. Do you know how much that's going to hurt? How much it hurt when she asked me to say it? I won't do it. I can't do it. It's bad enough to hear Jade moaning about Perrie in her sleep. And vice versa. Did you know that they both sleep talk?

I step into the elevator and push the button for Jade's floor. I was so reluctant when Louis asked me to come here. I try so hard not to climb on top of Perrie and kiss the hell out of her. Even when she's in this state. But I know I can't. Seeing Perrie so in love with this girl is crazy. I thought she hated her. It really shows that girls do hide their feelings.

Perrie never acted like this when we were together. If I was in hospital and didn't remember her, she probably wouldn't cut herself. Or starve herself. Or be in hospital too. It shows that she really does love this girl and that she was really torn up with Jade didn't remember her.

And to see Jade this in love with Perrie? I feel like grabbing her shoulders and screaming in her face that she's mine and that she will always be mine. Not hers. Mine.

I push open the door to Jade's hospital room and she's watching T.V. Her face lights up when she sees me.

"Hey Zayn! How's Perrie?"

"She's good. She wanted to let you know that she's okay and that she's sorry and that you two will talk about the Louis thing when one of you is well enough to visit," I say, trying my best to look happy. I leave out the love part. Jade's face lights up more.

"Okay," she says.

"What did the doctors say?" I try my best to act interested but actually, I don't give a fuck. I might as well listen. For Perrie.

"I just blacked out. Dehydrated and not enough blood in my brain. I'm all okay now. They said they'll keep me in for a few more weeks. My ribs are healing nicely and my stomach isn't bleeding anymore," Jade explains.

And all the time she's talking, I'm thinking:

For Perrie. For Perrie. For Perrie . . .


A/N: Hi guys! I'm so sorry! The chapters are getting boringer and boringer. I need to think something up, and fast.

Sorry about this chapter. It's so short and not that interesting. But I promise to think something up tonight and it will be AH-MA-ZING!!

So yeah, sorry again.

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- Holly xxx

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