Chapter Ten

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** Zayn's P.O.V.**

As soon as Perrie left, I take out my phone and call Louis. He answers almost straight away and it sounds like he'd been laughing.

"Yo Malik! How are you mah boy?!" Louis says, obviously happy.

"I'm fine, thank you, Louis. Now will you care to explain why you told Perrie to apologize? She clearly did nothing wrong," I say.

"Well, she cheated on you with that Jade girl. And don't worry, Harry and I just took care of her." Louis chuckles and I hear Harry's laugh in the background too.

"What do you mean 'taken care of'?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing major," Louis shrugs. "Just an old bash up. She's probably sleeping in the alleyway where we left her."

"You did what?!" I shout.

"Chill, Mailk. I thought that's what you wanted."

"What I want is for Perrie to be happy! And she's happy with Jade! And now you've gone and probably beaten her to pulp!" I shriek.

"Well sorry, mate, I didn't- "

"Just tell me where she is!" I snap.

"The alley behind the park, near the school."

I growl and hang up, instantly calling Perrie.

**Perrie's P.O.V.**

As I'm driving home, I get a call from Zayn. Confused, I pick up.

"Perrie! Where are you!" Zayn shouts.

"Um, just turning into my street. Why?" I reply.

"Go to the park near school. There's an alleyway just behind it. Jade's there. Just meet me there," Zayn said, hurriedly. As soon as I hear Jade's name, I spun the car around and drove out of my street.

"I'm on my way," I say. I pull up in front of the park in three minutes flat. I see Zayn walking across the park and I call out to him. He turns and beckons to me, telling me to come quickly. I ran across the green park, not stopping when I pass Zayn, and run straight into the alleyway. I see Jade sprawled on the hard concrete floor, unconscious. I run to her side.

"Jade!" I call as Zayn catches up to me. "Jade! Baby! Wake up! Jade! I'm here! You can wake up now!" I cry, frantically shaking her.

"Perrie!" Zayn's hand grips my shoulder. "Perrie, she's unconsious. She can't hear you. We need to get her to a hospital. Perrie, are you listening?"

I stop shaking Jade and sit back and nod. Zayn pulls me into a hug before reaching for his cellphone and calling an ambulance. I hear him talking but I can't make out the words he's saying. I'm numb. I can't feel anything. Jade is hurt and I did this to her.

"Perrie?" Zayn's voice snaps me back into reality. "Perrie, the ambulance is coming. They're gonna take good care of her, okay? We'll take your car and follow them to the hospital, okay?"

All I do is nod. I don't want to leave Jade. Not until the paramedics come and take her to the hospital.

A few minutes later, I hear the sound of sirens wailing and three paramedics are beside me, lifting Jade onto a stretcher. Zayn pulls me out of their ways and steers me towards my car. I don't take my eyes off Jade until the doors of the ambulance shut and I know she'll be okay. Zayn follows the ambulance as fast as he can. We pull up at the hospital and before the car stops, I'm half-way to the doors. I'm on a misson. A mission to find my Jade.


I was with Jade for weeks. I never left her side. Other than going to the loo. She was in a coma. Louis must of hit her head pretty hard against that brick wall. She's had visitors. Her mum and brother. Zayn. Jesy and Leigh. That's pretty much it. They've all brought me food. Flowers for Jade. Sometimes chocolates. Not that she can eat them at the moment. I've been talking to her. Begging her to wake up and tell me she's okay. Telling her I love her and she's so strong. The doctors say she's not getting any better. She's not getting any worse either. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. She's breathing by herself. Sometimes I think I feel her fingers twitch but I'm just imagining it. Three of her ribs are broken and she hit her head pretty hard. Her cheekbone is broken too. And I think the doctor said something about her back and stomach. Bruised stomach I think. I had zoned out by then. I didn't want to hear what was wrong with my Jadey. To be honest, I miss my Jadey.

I'm sitting beside Jade after a breif visit from her mum and brother.

"Jadey. C'mon baby wake up. I miss you so much. I miss your smile, your beautiful brown eyes. I miss your laugh and how your eyes light up when you do. I'm not afraid to admit this, Jadey, but I'm in love with you. I love you, Jadey. And I need you to wake up so you can tell me you love me too," I sob. Suddenly, I feel Jade's hand twitch and I look up.

I hear Jade groan.

"Jade?!" I squeeze her hand with excitement.

"Where am I?" Jade croaks.

"Hold on," I say. "I gotta grab the doctor." I hesitantly let go of her hand and run out into the hall. I spot Jade's doctor coming down the hallway and wave to him. "Jade's awake!"

"Good thing I was just coming to check on her, wasn't it?" he says, following me into Jade's room.

 I skipped in to find Jade trying to get up. I rush over to her. "Jade. Baby, you can't get up. I'm sorry. We'll get the doctor to check you over, okay? Let's get you back up on the bed," I say to her like I was talking to a five year old.

"I'm not five. I just need the loo," Jade says, looking me dead in the eye.

"I know. You've just had a hit to the head and . . ." I trail off when I see Jade's face.

"Would you like to finish that?" Jade asks, crossing her arms as best she can. "And who are you anyway?" I stare at her, dumbfounded. 

I hear a cough behind me and suddenly remember the doctor was waiting. I step back and the doctor closes the curtain around Jade's bed. All the weeks I've spent sitting here, waiting for her to wake up and I get is a rude remark. I thought I was doing the right thing but Jade obviously doesn't think so.

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