Rumors everywhere

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Next day I listened to music then opened twitter as always,
I found so many people talking about Harry having a secret gf and it was trending and there were so many rumors about it

I found some links about the news so I opened them cause I was really very curious to know, I really cared about knowing these things

Nothing was confirmed so nothing was sure yet, i kept thinking about it and wanted to find anyway to know if it was true or not

I felt sad to be honest, I just wasn't happy the whole day after reading the news, it sounds silly to some people and I know it's non sense

I just slept and went the next day to school,
I met Emma and she said "Hiii"

I didn't want to talk to her so much after what I knew she did
And i wasn't that kind of persons to start troubles
Of course i was sad for what she did
But I just said "Hey" with a smile and went away

At the end of the school I asked Abi about the rumors I read

"I don't know, but there's always rumors" said Abi

"Yeah I know, but I really wanna know" i said with a little look of sadness on my face

"Why do you care so much? You look sad about it!"

"Yeah....i mean whatever"

"Can I go with you to the club today?" Asked Abi

"Yeah sure, do you think we will meet Harry?"

"Well i don't know but I wanna see him, are you gonna ask him about his gf you, crazy? She said sarcastically

"Well.... Of course I want to, but I can't"

"Haha, you are really crazy"

"I know " I said

"So will we go now?!!" i asked

"Ughhhh, i forgot, I have to go to the damn doctor today " she said nervously

"Ohhhh... No problem anyway, we can go there next week" I said

"Okay no problem"

My mom came to take me to the club, and I really hoped to see Harry, and kept imagining it me asking him about his gf and bla bla

Anyway when I got there, the first thing I did was look for him, but I was so sad cause i didn't see him anywhere, even he seemed to go really a lot.

So i just went for a walk, played somethings with my friends and got a sandwich and sat for a little and was ready to call my mom to go home.

I called her but she told me she couldn't come so I had to get back on my own

I was about to go but i saw Harry about 30 meters behind me

It's crazy how I see him every time I come here, Like wow

He came and asked me "Are you going home?"

I was shocked that he came to ask, and whenever he comes to me, I be on my happiest

"Yes, I am"

"Do you go on your own?"

"Yeah, seems like everyone is busy!"

"But it's dark now!" He said

I was so happy he said that! And as always tried to stay as calm as possible

"No problem, it's fine. Don't worry" I said smiling

"No no no tell me where you live and I'll drive you home"

"No nee-"

"Shhh! Where do you live?" He interrupted me

"Ahh fine" I said laughing

I told him where I live and got into his car,

Then we started talking and many things popped into my head

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