Lol Sucks to be Annabeth

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Heyyyyyyyyyyy peoples. I have to give a shout out to @NovelNinja. She totally inspired me to do this and she shares my love of ninjas. So shall we get started?

Annabeth: Um Regie? Quick question.

Me: Yes?

Annabeth: Why is this chapter called 'Lol sucks to be Annabeth'?

Me: uh no reason......

"Okay Jason your turn." Bianca said.

"Annabeth. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said confidently.

"I dare you to Iris Message Hera and tell her that Zeus called her fat." Jason said, smirking.

My face fell.

"Ooh. Sucks to be you Annabeth." Hazel said giggling.

I reluctantly pulled a golden drachma out of my pocket and walked to the well in Percy's cabin.

"Show me Hera." I said, throwing the coin into the fountain.

Hera's face appeared in the running water.

"Yes demigod?" She asked annoyedly.

I gritted my teeth. I really hated Hera. "Zeus called you fat."

Hera gasped. "How dare he!" She rushed away to find Zeus and I quickly swiped my hand through the water.

I turned around and found everyone laughing. Travis held up his phone. He had video taped the whole thing.

"I hate you, Jason." I said sitting down next to Percy.
Wow. That was kind of dumb. Well I had do that so more of my matchmaking could happen!!!!

Annabeth: I'm starting to hate this game.

Leo: Me too.

Everyone else: Nah it's fun.

Annabeth: For you guys.

Anyways, comment more dares plz!! I clearly need better ones.


Percy Jackson Truth or DareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora