Chapter eleven

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2012 August 11


Entering the small house Agrue lived in was SG-14. Lesya and Rodney went for the table to sit down in the same spot they had sat in the last time they were there. Looking around, Colonel Giles showed disappointment on his face, apparently not impressed with the house and amount of books in the bookcases.

Telling them to sit down around the table, Agrue disappeared into another room, returns with several scrolls filling up his arms. Putting them down on the table a puff of dust came up from them as Agrue sat down. "In the interest of being clear of mind there will be no tea. Not until after we have agreed to terms," Agrue said with a calm tone while staring at Colonel Giles.

Opening a scroll that turned out to be empty, Agrue took out a pencil out of his pocket. Writing down what turned out to be their names, he opened the negotiations. "So first off all, how many people are there on Earth? We would like to know to what capacity you can use goods. We estimate we number somewhere around three hundred thousand in total though a precise number has not been known for thousands of years."

Coughing, Giles was silent for a few seconds before answering. "We are with, eh. Well, we also are not sure with how many we exactly are but the rough estimate is somewhere between seven and eight billion people. The latest estimate being seven point four billion."

With that answer the scratching of pencil on paper stopped and Agrue looked up at Colonel Giles. "We are not familiar with the word billion. How many zeros does it add?"

A tad flustered at the massive imbalance in total population Colonel Giles continued. "That would be nine zeros Agrue."

Agrue stared at the six of them for a minute before gathering himself and writing down the number on the scroll which slowly started to fill up. "That is an impressive number Colonel Giles," Agrue said silently, "Of course you understand we would be unable to fulfil such a large demand."

"That is alright Agrue." Colonel Giles answered with a sly grin. "Our trade missions are aimed at ensuring the survivability of our smaller bases so we don't have to rely on Earth in case we lose contact with her. As for what you have to offer, we are interested in the herbs, plants and fruits you use. Just now you for example mentioned the tea is special and could not be drunk if you wish to negotiate with a clear mind. More specifically, we wish to know what kind of medicine you make and use."

Opening one of the scrolls he had brought with him, Agrue took a moment to read the information before answering Colonel Giles' question. "We have made medicine out of many herbs and fruits. We farm many different kinds of herbs and fruits from the surrounding forests which are used to create at least several hundred kinds of medicine. For example the tea Lesya drank yesterday. It is made from a combination of some herbs from the forest and the fruit that I grow in the garden next to this house. Those who drink it often find they get sick less often. And it has a pleasurable effect for a couple of dozen minutes after drinking it before your head clears up."

Perking up at this information, Rodney mentally made a note to tell Carson and Jennifer about this tea. They would certainly be interested in a medicine that apparently makes the immune system stronger like Tretonin. A medicine that would not create a dependency, at least according to the knowledge of the Sosohr. Taking in their looks, Agrue continued the explanation.

"Some of the people stop drinking it later in life because they never liked the taste. Some of the people who have never drunken it, take it at random intervals as they become elderly for a slight boost against sickness."

As Agrue finished his explanation, Colonel Giles wrote down his offers and the information he had shared. "In return for the things you can trade I've been authorised to offer food from Earth and the possibility of a cultural exchange between our people. Furthermore, I've also been authorised to offer you an introduction to medicine from Earth. In return, we at least want samples of as many kinds of your medicine as possible so we can research how they work and possibly find new purposes for them."

Writing down some notes before putting down his pencil, Agrue stared Colonel Giles into his eyes. "We will gladly accept the food and cultural exchange but we have no use for your Earth medicine. For thousands of years, our medicine has been enough to stay healthy for our entire lives, no illness remaining uncured though it does sometimes take longer."

Wrinkles deepening on his face Colonel Giles stated his acceptance to the items they spoke of.

"Very well then, Agrue. How many of your herbs and fruits can we take back with us?"

Scratching down some notes, Agrue answered while staring at his other notes, "We can give you fifty kind of herbs and fruits to research and learn from. In return, there will be the cultural exchange which will include some of your doctors. They will take a look at the people who suffer from a stronger disease. Hopefully they will have the knowledge on how to cure these people faster. I'm also looking forward to some of your Earth food which you mentioned."

Raising his eyebrow, Colonel Giles lowered his voice in response. "I would have to discuss this with my superiors first then."

Speaking up against that statement, Rodney said, "You don't. Carson and Jennifer would gladly come and help Agrue and his people."

"Then we have agreed upon terms." Agrue stated, writing down the names of two doctors Rodney had just named. "It was a pleasure drafting this trade agreement with you all. I'm looking forward to including the food from Earth into our celebrations. Speaking of, we should go outside. It is now time to celebrate this new trade agreement!"

Finished, Agrue stood up to put the scrolls back into the room he had taken them from, leaving the team behind for a minute before returning. Opening the door, Agrue waved them over to exit the house first onto the square where celebrations had already begun.

Stargate: The Avalon conundrumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora