Phan- Ulterior Motive

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Phils P.O.V

I was so relieved to be heading back up to my flat. My lovely mum had invited me for a day on the town; going to a restaurant, shopping for things with astronomical price tags and constantly being nagged.

“Is there a special girl in your life I should know about?” she asked at random times during the day like she had been doing my entire life.

“No,” was my common response that had rarely ever changed. Today though she had really been pushing it.

“Phil, you need to realize your almost 28. Why aren’t you settling down? Is there something you need to tell me?” What she said caught me really off guard but I tried to keep my cool.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I just want you to be happy. That’s all.”

“Well for you information, there is a girl I like. I’m just not sure if I want to pursue it,” This was enough to shut her up, make her smile and end the torture for me. I wasn’t lying about the girl though. There was a girl around the office that helped behind the scenes for our show. My affection for her had slowly been blooming the past weeks and at this point I was head over heels. Her smile was contagious; a few teeth were crooked but it made it more perfect. Her eyes were a beautiful brown, warm and inviting, reminding me of cuddling into warm blankets, winter and steamy hot chocolate.  She was also so petite, not too small but would be just at the right level to snuggle into my chest if I hugged her. My love was deeper than appearance. At first we started with small talk and then we found out we loved the same things. About a week ago I had finally gotten the courage to ask her if she wanted to hang out with me and Dan and play the video games we both loved. We had so much fun teasing and competing against each other. Dan though was an idiot as usual and seemed to be stealing the attention away from me. Sometimes, I don’t know what the hell I’m thinking but even though I haven’t known her for that long I’m feel like she’s mine;  I didn’t know how to communicate that to Dan. I then had to remind myself to breathe, I was almost to the flat and could relax by myself in my room alone. I wriggled by hand into my pocket to open the door. With the creak of the door I saw Dan lying on the couch with his laptop like usual.

“So how was it?” Dan asked, making the rarely seen move to look up from his Mac.

“Lets not talk about it mate,” I replied, hanging up my jacket.

“Well, I know something that will brighten your day and make you truly shine like the baby sun from Tellitubies,” Dan said with enthusiasm.

“Oh God this has to be good then” I replied sarcastically, walking into the kitchen.

“Guess who decided to stop by today?”

 I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Say that again?”

“You know who I’m talking about. She stopped by earlier and stayed for awhile and we played some games. Even went on Tumblr a bit for some laughs,” Dan said casually, staring at the screen.

“How could the man be so frickin calm right now,” I screamed internally, the fury raging inside.

“Ok we need to talk mate,” I stomped into the living room, picking up Dan’s laptop and throwing onto the adjacent end table.

“Hey that was ex-“

“That laptop is the least of your problems right now. I’m the worst thing you need to worry about. Haven’t you noticed that I like her…wait no love her? She makes me happy. She’s the only reason I’ve gotten through the last weeks of work as our schedule just keeps getting filled with more crappy PR events. This is the first time in a long time I feel like I’ve connected with someone who actually has similar interests. I invited her over here to get to know her better, not to have her whisked away but your wit. Do you understand me Dan? Do you understand how I feel and why I so pissed off? I actually love someone.”

“Ummm…” Dan whispered pointing in the direction to our front door. I turned to see her standing there in her angelic beauty, wrapped in a pastel peacoat that brought her eyes. The thing that stood put was her smile, so striking, showing me that my feels would be returned, causing butterflies inside and a smile outside.

I guess Dan had arranged all of this; wanted me to be so mad and her to walk in to me screaming that I loved her. God Dan. I hate you sometimes but when you pull random crap like this know why I love you. – C <3

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