Chapter 2

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It's about noon once I wake up. Air traffic continues as usual and people rush to catch their flights. I look at one of the many clocks and it's 11:11am. Lucky me, I can make a wish! I wish that I could meet the perfect girl and my life would all just click.

Screams begin and the ground shakes, people hit the floor and the lights go out. Glass shatters and people are clutching to whatever they can. I hide under my seat and hug my knees tight to my chest.

Then, silence.

Everything is still.

Absolutely still.

The lights begin to flicker back on and us take in my surroundings. Pieces of the roof lay of the ground, people begin to realize that many are injured and trapped. I see an arm sticking out from under a piece of cement.

I rush over and the adrenaline the pulses in my vains allow me to lift up this monstrosity. Underneath is one of the worse things I've ever seen.

A small brunette girl about 16 or 17 lays not moving at all. She squints and looks at me. Her brown eyes glimmer in the light.

"Are you ok?" I ask as I kneel beside her.

She can't talk- let alone move- so she just shakes her head slowly. I try to pick her up and carry her bridal style but all I hear is constant cracks of bones. I know I can't just leave her there so I continue on holding her and begin to run.

"Medic! Medic! Can I get a medic!" I frantically about while running with the small girl in my arms. People point me towards the main doors where medics begin to pour into the tattered airport. One if them waves me down.

I place the girl on a stretcher, and she's taken into the ambulance. The paramedic asks if I'm coming and I just shake my head.

"I just found her, I don't know who she is,"

The paramedic nods and shuts the door. the sirens wail and the girl is taken off to the hospital.

I hear a voice in the distance say "Where is that strong young lad," I turn around and see a gathering of people trying to lift a fast food restaurant sign off somebody.

I jog over to them, and begin lifting without a word. Underneath the Nandos sign 3 teenage boys lay underneath.

I gasp and almost loose my grip when I recognize them.

"Zayn! Liam! Niall!" I shout, 3 of my best friends lay unmoving. Louis stands by my side. "What are you guys doing here!"

"We were picking up Niall's grandmother, and getting food to take to the hospital for you!" Louis says on the verge of tears.

Zayn, who seems ok, gets up and says "You guys! Niall and I are fine but Liam isn't breathing!"

All of the lads pitch in and we have Liam lifted up and taken to an ambulance. Damn Liam is one big guy! It takes a while to carry him but in the end we all end up squished in the ambulance. The emergency service workers asses us all. Zayn broke a rib and Niall sprained his knee, so we all end up fine . . . except for Liam. He has a broken leg and fractured skull. They said he's currently I'm a coma and will hopefully wake up in a few hours.

We finally arrive at the hospital and by then I've heard the news. Terrorists bombed one of the planes, everyone on that plane was killed. Many people in surrounding planes or inside the airport were also killed. The estimated death toll is over 100.

The girl.

What about that girl I saved?

Did she survive?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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