Chapter Three

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The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was a little thing that hangs on the ceiling of the dimly lit room. He didn't bother to move because he knew he couldn't, not yet anyway and just stared at the hanging object.

"It's a dream catcher. Muggles believe that it drives away nightmares.", said a familiar voice.

It was Hermione Granger. She was just sitting at a chair on the corner and Draco Malfoy didn't notice her until now.

"I don't care about muggles." Draco said forcefully though the events of last night were still replaying on his mind.

"I know." She replied and looked down as though waiting for him to call her a disgrace.

"I want to help you, Draco" He flinched when she said his name with care and possible pity.

"I don't need your pity and you don't need to help a death eater." He replied and looked away.

"Well, the order has been angry at me for bringing you here inside our enchantments but I had no choice." Hermione replied.


"I know, Draco. I know." Hermione said after a moment of silence.

"Don't act like you know me, Granger. Don't act like you know my pain! You are a muggleborn! A mudblood! A disgrace to the Wizarding World!" Draco shouted and Hermione was left astounded.

Draco was now in verge of tears for his own words had stabbed him directly where it hurts most.

"I know that you did something to make the Dark Lord angry at you, Malfoy! I was just trying to help. Do you know how much trouble it was for me to bring you here to a safe place? And you didn't even say Thank You! Well, call me if you're finally in your right mind!" Hermione replied and then left the room, also in verge of tears.

"You didn't have to save me. Then you wouldn't be in trouble and I would be dead, for good." Draco whispered, mostly to himself as he closed his eyes and fall on to deep slumber.

But Hermione didn't go anywhere for she was just outside the door and she heard every single word that Draco said.

"But I wanted to save you..." She also whispered.


"I could not believe you, Hermione! Who in their right mind would take someone specifically a death eater, into our base? Our only safe place?" Harry said trying not to raise his voice to Hermione.

"Look, Harry. I know you're only concerned about me but I'll be fine with the interrogation with McGonagall. I can handle myself." She replied anyway, not breaking eye contact with her friend.

"As you wish." Harry replied and opened the door of the tent for Hermione.

The tent was full of people in different ages but all are important. From the DA up until the order, most of them are present and they all looked at Hermione as if she grew a second head.

"Hermione." McGonagall greeted her.

"Professor." She greeted back with respect.

"Now, explain to us again why we need to keep Draco Malfoy here and not punish him for being a death eater and killing most of our friends?"

Hermione cleared her throat.

"Professor," She looked at McGonagall for a few seconds before continuing.

"I believe that Draco Malfoy may be our key to finally win this war. I mean, look at us. We hardly stand a chance against you-know-who with us mostly injured and him infiltrating the ministry. He has a lot of knowledge about us, where we're possibly hidden and what our weakness are. We don't know anything about him except that he is finally mortal once again and the only thing we are sure about that is he's going to put a lot of effort to protect himself. But- insert Malfoy in the picture. He probably wants revenge on you-know-who for whatever he did to him. If we help him now, there is a possibility that he will help us defeat you-know-who. He knows where their bases are. He knows his weakness. He knows a lot about him because he himself was the right hand of the dark lord."

"You're right, Hermione. He indeed is the right hand of you-know-who, what assurance do we have that this is not a trap? That the dark lord did not send him to destroy us?"

"Professor, you can trust Draco Malfoy like you can trust me."

Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Alright. We don't have much of a choice anyway." Professor McGonagall said and it was followed by a lot of argues.

"But, you have to keep an eye on him. I still don't trust him fully yet."

Hermione smiled. "But of course."


Author's Note

Next Update will be on March 10, 2017. I have exams this week so I will be busy. Please vote and comment if you like this chapter. Don't worry. After my exams, I can update as much as possible. Thank You for reading this story!!!

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