Saturday, 4th March, 2017

302 11 11

Dear diary,

(First rant)

Currently - 8:00 am

I AM FUMING! Right so basically Bella and my other friend (let's call her Alex) alwayyyys slag of this fairly new girl (We will call her Jess). They always take the p*ss out of her accent in English and say how annoying she is, blah blah blah.

BUT GUESS WHAT! Ooooh take a big f***ing guess my lovelies.


Just them 3

Not me. Ohhhh no not me.

The funny thing is that I'M meant to be Bella's best-friend! Not Jess and Alex.

It makes me wonder right, yuno' how I said they slag Jess off, I'm starting to think they slag(ed) me off! What's stopping them? NOTHING!!!!!

^^^ ^^^Comment if you feel the same about your friends ^^^^^^^^^^

If I found out they have they can all f**ck off in future because I'm not having it. I will not invite them to shit all and see how they like it. Well I wouldn't invite Jess anyway because I despise the bitch.

I will give u some info about her so you will despise her with me :)

• Basically she started in year 9 and was lonely. So me and Bella was like "Hey wana walk around with us?" Annnd so she did. Now by walk around I meant help her to lesson and have some support until she found a group, but in her eyes it meant that we was her friends...
No one actually liked her that much because since she budged her way into out group Bella and Jess had soon become besties. Which meant I was pushed out of her way and Jess f***ing loved it, it's exactly what she wanted.

Moving on so she's been at this school for a bit now and one thing that really test my nerves is that she doesn't like me and Bella being together. Right listen to this, Bella and Jess were on the bus home and Jess asked if she could go to Bella's house (that's right she invites herself, RUDE) and Bella obvs turned round and said "Not today sorry I'm going to Anonymous's house" so Jess gave her a dirty look and started sulking.

When Bella told me this I was like WTAF GURLLLL!
I think she doesn't realise she is gona have to share, even tho Bella is mine not hers!

Oh did I mention that she LOVES the attention off boys. She doesn't realise they all hate her and call her 'Tipton'
She's not even pretty ffs! Yet she thinks all the boys are in lurrrrvvve with her. She even has a crush on Josh and I'm like no bitch! (Btw I made my mind up on who I like its Josh :D)

Let me describe her:

• She has brown hair with sh*tty blonde/caramelely dip dye at the end with a front fringe that's pushed to the side so it looks like a slug is on her fore head, it just brings the look together yuno'? (HAHA JOKESSS. PEAK ON HER)

• She has a pug face in my opinion. It's like a potato head (Also what boys say about her)

• Don't get me stated on her teeth!
No exaggeration they are yellow. Yellow. Her front teeth are crooked inwards if ya' get me. It just makes her even more annoying.

• She has a triple chin. Now don't get me wrong I have a triple chin too but I rock mine out with style so no one actually says anything and I contour the f*ck outta mine, but hers is unexplainable. It's like it moulded into her neck, it's because her face is so long and Round. She also does this really weird think with her mouth and tongue I can't explain it!

Ughhhhhh I could go on but that would be harsh 😉

Anyways do u hate her yet? Comment down below <3

Anonymous Xx
Questions of the day :)

Do you ever try to dream about your crush/Lover? Because same.

What are you having/had for breakfast?
I'm having Nutella on toast (If I actually get out of bed)


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