Killing isnt always caring pt. 2

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Yasss I'm back, not really. And thank you so muh SomebodyDead1987 for sharing that Jessica's chapter totally sucked cause it did... *Applause​ from an audience that comes out of nowhere* Yeah so think of this as an "In between chapter" chapter, after this I'll continue with 10. After the party, cause I just left that for dead on a cliffhanger XD

I walked next to Slendy, "Slender cmon you have to do something about Toby, I mean did you see my room?!?!" I yelled in frustration while looking at the ground. "Um, fuck that, what about my destroyed camera?!?!" I looked up and saw Fainted with her arms crossed and her face red with anger. I rolled my eyes. "Let's not forget, he ruined ALL my makeup." We looked in the direction of the voice and saw Clockwork and Jane leaning against the wall. Slenderman signed and rubbed his forehead before disappearing. I looked at Fainted in confusion, she yawned and walked back inside to fix the rest of her room, I went to my own room, flipped the dresser over and got out a black jacket, light blue skinny jeans, and combat boots. I quickly changed and (If you have long or medium hair) put my hair into a braid. I looked at the clock and it was 7:34 am, I yawned and grabbed my gun and knives and walked out the door. I was about to go outside when two voices stopped me.

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING???" Two voices asked at the same time, I turned around and saw Jeff and BEN looking at me through the doorway, I looked at Jeff confused and he just cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Uhh, why do you guys want to know?" I asked trying my best not to sound as annoyed as I felt, "Well, I'm just bored and you look like you're gonna make some bitches bleed." Jeff said plainly. BEN just shrugged. I rolled my eyes and waved them over, I walked out the door and slammed it shut not caring if they were there or not.


"What the fuck?!?"

I ran towards the city and soon heard footsteps behind me which I assumed were Jeff and BEN, after hours of running nonstop, I finally stopped out side of a house, with BEN and Jeff behind me breathing heavily, I just smirked at them and ran to the back of the house and checked the door, it was unlocked.

"Careless people these days." I said quietly, "Right." BEN said, all three of us slipped inside and looked around, there was a light on in the kitchen, Jeff nodded his head towards the kitchen and slowly walked over to it, I motioned BEN to follow me and went up the stairs, we checked around the rooms and saw there were two bedrooms of 3 daughters and 2 sons, BEN went towards the boys rooms and I went towards the girls, I went over to the one who had a single bed by the window, she opened her eyes and was about to scream before I covered her mouth quickly, and slit her throat.
I went over to the other two girls, they had a bunk bed, and quickly stabbed the one on the lower bunk, her eyes shot open before she went limp and was just staring up.

Its so funny how parents never know what goes on inside they're own house when they aren't there.

I grabbed the ladder and stepped up, I was about to stab the third girl, until she sat up and faced me, she looked at me with big green eyes and tilted her head to the side, I don't know why buy she just seemed so... Special. Instead I picked her up and set her on the ground, she yawned and looked around. I narrowed my eyes and stared at her, she suddenly swayed back and forth and almost fell before I caught her, she was already asleep. "Damn..." I said.

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