"Eat." Robbie handed the bowl over to me, but I refused.

"Miranda. Eat." I shook my head too quickly and my head began to ache again.

He sighed and lifted up the spoon with the soup in and tried putting it in my mouth. I pressed my lips together as hard as I could.

"Miranda stop being so damn stubborn!" He yelled.

"Please eat! You don't, you die! I-I.. can't have that." He looked away and but before he did, I saw tears form in my eyes.

"What will make you eat." He asked in a hush tone. I knew the only person who could get me to eat.


I sighed and looked over at my phone on the table. He glanced up at me and back at the phone. He smirked and extended his hand and reached out for it. Once he picked it up his smiled faded and I eyed him wearily.

"Who's Ashton winkyface?" He looked up at me and I avoided his eyes.

"What did he say?" I asked in a hush tone.

He let out a sigh and glanced back down at the text. "'Hey babe, I miss you *heart* Something up?'"

I reached for my phone, but he shot his hand back. "Give me my phone!" I screamed, reaching for it again.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He asked curiously.

I nodded my head and looked at his jealous face? Hah, he was jealous! He looked back down at my phone and unlocked it. He went to my contacts and clicked on Alyssa's 'call' button.

"Hello? Alyssa?"

I could faintly feel her talking back.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I let out a snort at her reply.


"Robbie, Robbie Kay! Woah, what are you doing with my babe! Get away from her!" She started shouting so loud, Robbie had to move the phone away from his ear.

"Look, she passed out because of starvation and-" He began to talk again, but she interrupted.


Oh god, was I dead.

He slowly handed me the phone and I held it up to my ear.

"Hi...." I said awkwardly.

"Miranda, eat."

I obviously didn't want to be on Alyssa's bad side, so I grabbed the bowl and practically shoved the soup down my throat. It felt so good to eat. I missed the feeling of something filling my stomach, easing my pain.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Robbie asked, glancing down at the empty bowl in my hands. I couldn't help but smile. Its hasn't been so long since I've eaten... 2 weeks probably, but still.

I gave the bowl back to Robbie and the doctor came in.

"Miranda, I'd like to ask you some questions." Well that didn't sound good.

Robbie nodded and stepped out of the room. The doctor pulled up a stool and sat next to my hospital bed.

"Is it true your weren't eating?" He looked down at his clipboard and began to write something. I hesitated before answering. What if he locks me up in an asylum or something?

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Why were you starving yourself, Miranda?" He questioned.

Should I tell him? How would I? The boy in the that other room who practically just saved my life made me feel self conscious about myself? I had to just come out in say it... right?

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