Woo or Romance

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Part three
Woo or Romance

Cara munch her bread as Eury seats beside her silently, very unusual for a woman who is very loud and energetic.

"So tell me what's wrong?"

"I lost a bet and I am doom" sighing

"Let me guess its all about the bet you put up with my brother?"

"Ugh! He is evil Cara, I am betting half of my potatoes that he is a spawn of a devil"

"Why did you agree to his bet when you knew that he will outsmart you"

"Gah! It's because his proposal is so interesting that made me agree! for he told me whoever wins will treat the winner, and I am out of budget now and I am craving for pepperoni pizza"

"Nothing will stop you for food" Cara said it blantly

"Wait, are you with me or him?"

"I will not choose any of you, both of you are pain in my ass" laughing she poke her forehead that made her friend scowl even more.

"He talks about you meeting this Gordon guy?"

"He just made a friendly chat nothing more" groaning "why would he report something like I am talking to a serial killer"

Cara glance at her friend seeing so defeated and tired, she then place her favorite yoghurt ice cream that she bullied Van to buy. She just wonder when will this woman notice her brother's affection. She really is obtuse when it comes to love and her brother is being fucking slow for making some moves on her friend. She had nothing against with her brother liking her bestfriend there is nothing to like to this weirdo friend of hers. They are compatible for Van being the mature in their relationship. She chuckles at the thought of her brother having a huge headache when dealing Eury.

"Anyway Van told me he has target practice for their inter college archery contest today, wanna go with me?"

"No thanks"

"Come on! You don't wanna see my brothers insane skills?"

Groaning Eury nodded and followed Cara as they walk towards the archery area. As they arrive the area she notice Gordon making his brownie points as he hit the bullseye, fan girls squealing like a pig as they raise their banner and cheers their prince charming.

Eury notice Van talking with their coach with so much determination and seriousness that she never witness before, and no wonder Cara told her about her brothers passion for archery. He may not be the captain of their team but he is the best.


Looking at Gordon as he made his way to her, waving his hand like a star and place a huge grin on his mouth. Eury smile as she straighten herself, no matter how arrogant this man is, still he is charming.

" I never imagine you coming here" he smiled

Eury heard those women squeal and shouting, some calling her bad names for talking to their crush and some just supported her, like they are their OTP. She rolled her eyes as she watch those girls and smile at him briefly.

"My best friends brother is one of your member and I am here to bully him"

Retsi laugh hard as he heard her saying , holding his stomach he then look at her with glee in his eyes, never in his entire year here he felt so much amusement. Eunice is surely an interesting woman and he enjoys her company, there is something in her that place so much warm and friendly aura. He is confident talking to her though he has a little apprehension talking to her, she has this domineering side that he's a little afraid of.

"So" he chuckled "After the practice are you available?"

"Nope she's not" Van intercept as he place himself in front of Eury "she has to buy the food I want for being the loser"

"Van!" Cheeks red as she slap his broad shoulder, now he embarrassed her, of all the things she dont like is when people know that she is a loser in every bet, though almost everyone knows that she's suck in bets.

"Oh, well it's all right" Retsi gave her an assuring smile " there's plenty of time"

Eunice just smile at him as he walks back to their training field. Scowling she looks at Van who si standing in front of her fidgeting.

"Just what makes you think--"

"Don't go with him" he shouted

"Oh! " surprise she followed him as he walks aways " then pray tell  why?"

"Just don't " he huffs as he glares at her

Eunice stood shockingly she never seen him glaring at her intensely, though he glared before but it was playful however now its like he really hated it whenever she talks to Retsi. Shaking her head as she look at Van grabbing his bag and talks to Cara.

Looking down she wonders maybe he is disappointed with her but what reason? Why did he react that much? A hand grabs her elbow and look up seeing Van dragginh her outside the training ground. Not saying anything she lets him drag her towards the parking lot.

Opening his passenger seat door and gesture her to get in, he then close the door and move towards the driver seat. Closing his door he then throw his bag at the back and start up his car.

"Wait!" She grab his arm "What about Cara?"

"She has her car she can go home by herself"

"Tch! Okay" huffing as glared outside "what about my bag?"

"I got it" he point his finger at the back seat "now shall we?"

Nodding her head as she look outside the window, Van is a jerk sometimes and a smart ass, that makes her even mad. Sighing deeply as she let him do what he wants after all she needs to buy him pizza.

To be continued....

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