Chapter 16

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"I can't believe you convinced me to do this!" I said smiling and excited to Dylan on our way to the beach. Dylan look at me for a second and smiled at me, before turning his face back to the road.

"Look at Miss goody goody two shoes!" he said making fun of me and I punch his arm slightly. "Hey! I like you anyway, beautiful!" he said sweetly. He stop in a red light and took my hand to intertwined it with his and kiss my hand, before starting to drive again.

When we reached the beach, Dylan parked his car. We got out of his car and grabbed all of our stuff. We took a great spot on the beach and put all our stuff beneath a palm tree. I took out of my bag a towel and placed it on the sand, so I could lie down and take a good suntan. Dylan simply plopped himself on the sand and sat next to me. Dylan started to caress my hair as I just take a good tan and just relax on the beach. We were like that for a couple of minutes and it was not awkward at all, we were just taking in all the beautiful surroundings to calm down and shook off the stress. I was completely relax taking a suntan, and almost falling asleep with the soft sound of the waves, when suddenly Dylan throw himself into me.

"Dylan!" I said when I recognized who was throwing himself at me. He started laughing.

"Did I wake you?" he asked obviously making fun of me. I rolled my eyes at him, even though he couldn't see it because I have my sunglasses on. "Come on babe, roll over a little. Leave some space for me." he said smiling at me.

"Don't you have a towel? There is no room for the both of us in one towel!" I told him as an obvious point.

"Of course we fit in there! And, yes I have a towel. But it is to dry myself later!" he said proudly and push me a little bit aside, letting me practically out of MY towel! Unbelievable!

"And where am I supposed to fit in there?" I asked him taking off my sunglasses and raising at eyebrow at him.

"Come here babe! That's why you got this chest for!" he said patting his chest proudly, gesturing me to laid my head in it. I did and continue my suntan with a peaceful silence.

"You know? You sometimes can be annoying!" I told him smirking even though I wasn't facing him right now.

"Excuse me!" Dylan said raising his head to look at his chest where I was resting my head. He laughed and looked at me in disbelieve. "Look who's talking!" he said playfully.

"Oh really? And why do you say that?" I asked him curious. Sitting on the sand and looking at the handsome man that was laying with me on the beach.

"Because my girlfriend is a goody goody two shoes and bossy!" he said sitting on my towel facing me and getting close to me trying to kiss me but I move my head a little.

"Oh really? And who said I'm your girlfriend?" I asked him teasingly, still really close to him. He look at me a little surprised at first.

"Oh, don't play that card with me babe!" he said in a husky tone.

"What card? You've never asked me!" I said nonchalantly and playfully with him.

"Oh come on babe! I mean we've been going out for a couple of months now and the things that I've told you, I wouldn't said it to every girl!" he said as if he was pointing the obvious. "So that means that you are my girlfriend... that you're my girl." He said in a whisper getting closer to me and leaning forward to kiss me.

"Oh really?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Do you want me to convince you?" he asked me brushing my lips as he speak. I nodded slightly. A little smile appear on his lips before crashing in mine. He bite my lower lip asking for entrance and I let his tongue explore on my mouth. I started to laid back on the sand as we kiss and his hand caress my cheek and my hair. I placed my hand on his cheek and started to travel down to his neck and his chest as I kiss him. Then my hand traveled through his shoulder and arm. And boy let me tell you it was toned! I keep traveling down his arm, not breaking the kiss until my hand landed in his free hand and we intertwined our fingers as we kissed. We break the kiss to get some breath and he rested his forehead in mine. We looked at each other's eyes for a while and then Dylan look at our intertwined hands. He smiled and look back at me. I smiled back at him and with my free hand I caress his face until I reached his hair. As I caress his hair I push him down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He laughed slightly for my abrupt movement and I continue to caress his hair, as he caress my hand that we had intertwined.

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