Chapter 1:

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Beep beep beep... I shuffle my hand without opening my eyes through my night stand, looking for my phone to turn off the alarm. When I finally reached my phone, it slipped from my hand and crashed into the floor. I made a little groan, opened my eyes and stood up to pick up my phone.  When I looked to see what time it was it said 7:30 am. Ok, I am on time. Maybe I could take another five minutes of sleep.... No Layla you have to get up or else you are gonna be late for class.  This is my typical college lazy girl life every day. I get up and look through my drawer to see what I can put on for the day. Yes, I always wait until last minute to decide what I am going to wear for class.... I put on some ripped jeans, with a tank top and a cardigan. I put on some light natural look make- up and look for my bag to see if I had all the things that I need for my classes for the day. Then I grabbed my uniform and put it in another bag, because I have work in the afternoon.

OHH WOWW, HOW RUDE OF ME! I HAVEN'T INTRODUCE MYSELF YET! My name is Layla Del Mar Ortiz Díaz, I am a puertorrican girl, and yes I am latinaa! I have two siblings, my oldest brother Mauro who is 25 years old, and a younger sister Sofía Paulina who is 8 years old.  And we are your typical mid class family that lives with their parents. Oh shit, I am gonna be late for class. 

I took all my things, grab my car keys and run to the kitchen to grab some toasts that just pop up from the toaster. I run towards the door ignoring my brother complaining about how rude was of me to steal his toasts. He'll get over it! I thought to myself.  When I reached the door and was about to open it, when my mom came from the garage and open it first.

"Oh well good morning beautiful" she said with a warm smile in her face.

"Good morning Mom." I said smiling back at her.

"Did you had breakfast? And did you comb you hair?" She asked looking at my appearance before I leave, just so motherly of her.

Shit! I thought to myself, I completely forgot to comb my hair, but I do not have time right now for that.

Just as I was going to answer to her, my brother Mauro came to the page to give his complains about him being robbed by me. "Well of course she had breakfast she just came from nowhere and took my toasts." He said as if it was the baddest thing that has happened to him. 

I just rolled my eyes at his childishness, and my mom let out a little chuckle looking at the both of us.

"What I am going to do with the both of you? You haven't change since you were kids." She just laughed and started walking to the kitchen to make breakfast for her before going to her work, since she has already made breakfast for my little sister and my dad and left my sister in school.

Mauro looked at me with a frowned, like trying to intimidate me, but he knew he can't. I just looked at him and blow him a kiss "Love you big bro, thank you for taking care of your little sis!" and with that I walked out the door into the garage laughing. My dad was hopping into his car when he saw me.  

"Hey there, good morning my little princess. Come give your daddy a kiss." He said cheerfully. I was putting all my bags in my car and walked to him. I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning dad.... You know I am not a kid anymore." I said playfully, even though I knew what his response would be.

"You always gonna be my little princess, just like your sister." He said winking at me. "Have a nice day at college sweetheart." He said.

"Thanks, you too at work dad." And with that he closed his car door and start to drive out of the garage.

I get into my car myself and turn up the radio before heading out to college. I ate my breakfast as I drive and when I park my car I look through my bag looking for my comb and untangled my hair. I made a messy bun in my hair and put on some lipstick before I went to class. And as usual I was a little bit late, when I opened the door everyone look up at me. 

I hate when this happens.

The teacher was already talking and everyone was taking notes. I make a quick look through the room to see if there was a free seat but I bit my lip when I noticed there was no seat for me. Then I see a black hair guy slightly move his hand gesturing me to seat next to him, taking off of the seat his backpack so I could seat there. I quickly took the seat and mouthed him a "Thank you" with a smile. He just smiled back at me. 

After class I went through the hallway texting and walking to see where my friends were so we could talk before my other class. When I looked up I saw Angela, one of my best friends talking to a little group of people, so I started walking in her direction. When I was approaching her she saw me and smiled at me.

"Hey Layla, there you are, I haven't see you in a while girl". She said to me making the group she was talking to look at me.

I smiled at her and she hug me. "Hey Angie, sorry I was late for my first class so I was in a rush this morning." I said to her.

"You? Late? That's odd..." she said looking at me playfully and obviously she was being ironic, since I'm always late.

"Ha ha, very funny of you, I still got to be on time to class so..." I pulled my tongue out at her and she laughed. "Anyways I just wanted to remind you that after class we are going shopping before work." I said to her because I know her and she forgets everything.

"Sure, see you later then" she said to me waving me goodbye.

"Bye, see you and bye guys" I waved at her and to the group that was previously talking to her. And in that group I saw a familiar face, but I looked too quickly and I can't remember why his face was familiar to me, so I shrugged it off.

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