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Hello 😁

I posted these fics under my name 'Angel of Fangirling' on The Phandom Amino 😊

You should join 😁

Anyway, Enjoy


Dan walks through the busy London streets, eager to get his regular morning coffee. He walks past people of all shapes and sizes and can't help but to accidentally bump into the odd couple of people due to so many being in such a rush. Dan, however, bumped a little too hard into a girl about his age, causing the folder in her hands to fall on the floor and multiple items fell out of it.

"I'm so sorry." Dan exclaims as he bends down to help her pick up her things.

"It's quite alright." She responds as she picks up multiple polaroid photographs and places them back into her folder, more securely this time round. Dan hands her multiple pieces of paper and she thanks him before running down the road, obviously in a rush like so many others. Dan begins to stand up and looks down only to see that he has stepped on something.

A polaroid photograph.

The girl obviously didn't see this photo under his shoe so he picks it up to see what was on it. It was a picture of a guy, probably around his age, with black hair and blue eyes behind wide rimmed glasses. He's smiling and Dan can't help but to smile at the photograph. He places the photo in his coat pocket and forgets about it as he goes about his day.


Dan walks inside his apartment and takes off his coat, pulling his phone out of the pocket in the process. Something else that was in his pocket falls to the ground as he pulls his phone out. Dan looks to the ground to see the polaroid picture that the girl he bumped into didn't collect as he stepped on it trying to help her. He picks it up and studies the picture.

Why did I pick this up and keep it? Dan asks himself. Why would i keep a picture of someone I have never met before. That's beyond creepy.

Dan walks towards his kitchen rubbish bin to place the photo in there but, for some reason, he isn't able to let it drop in. It felt like the photo had some kind of importance to him, an importance he didn't know of.

Dan places the photo on the fridge and sticks a magnet over the mystery man's face.


Two weeks later and Dan is back in Starbucks, drinking his regular morning coffee as he watches the world go by outside. He finishes his coffee and proceeds to the bin but accidently bumps into someone and they both fall over in front of the rubbish bin.

"I'm so sorry. I-" Dan looks up and sees a somewhat familiar face. It takes him a second to realise but then he sees it.

It's the guy in the polaroid.

Dan must admit, he looked good in the photo but so much better in person. His black hair was styled in a similar way that Dan does and his bright blue eyes shone as bright as the sky on the sunniest of days. He wasn't wearing glasses, which caused Dan to not realise who he was for a second, but he still looked amazing.

"You alright there?" The guy asked Dan, pulling him out of his trance. He looked genually concerned for Dan and he smiles at the stranger.

"I'm fine. Sorry I bumped into you though." Dan answers and they both stand up. Dan proceeds to place his empty coffee cup into the bin.

"Lucky that wasn't full." The guy says and Dan smiles at him, nodding in agreement. "I'm Phil." Phil holds out his hand and Dan shakes it.

"Dan." Dan says as they drop the handshake and start to walk towards the exit of Starbucks.

"So you heading to work?" Phil asks and Dan nods.

"Yea. I work at the Tesco down the road. Not the best job in the world but I get by with the income." Dan explains and Phil nods.

"Yea, I don't start work till 12 but i came by early to see if they needed anyone since my friend cancelled on me." Phil says and Dan turns to look at Phil.

"You work at that Starbucks?" Dan ask and Phil nods.

"As you just said, not the best job in the world but I get by." Phil smiles at Dan and Dan smiles back. "So why did you blank out when we met back by the bin?" Phil asks and Dan tenses up.

I can't tell him that I found a picture of him and it's on my fridge, can I?

"I-uh- found a picture of you on the ground a bit ago?" Dan answers, avoiding to look at Phil to see his reaction.

"Never had that one before but by the look you were giving me I can assume that you kept this picture." Phil announces and Dant turns to look at him.

"Wow, way to make me sound like a creep." Dan exclaims and Phil laughs.

"It's fine. You must have thought that the picture was important to someone." Phil says and Dan nods after a minute of thinking about it.

"Yea, I guess you're right." Dan replies and smiles towards Phil. They continue walking until they both had to head to work, exchanging their numbers before they said their goodbyes.

Dan promised that he would give Phil the photo back to him one day.

Phil told him it didn't matter and said that he could keep it.

Dan brought it with him when the next met up anyway.

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