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Warning. Long chapter.

Vylad's POV:

I yawned and stretched. It was almost 5 and (Y/n) still hasn't come out of the bathroom. All the guys seemed a bit worried. Dante was playing a game with Laurence, Travis and Garroth, and Zane and Aaron were listening to music. I put my drawing book down and walked towards the bathroom door quietly. I knocked softly and put my ear to the door. I hope she is ok...                       "(Y/n)? Are you ok?" I asked. I heard a small shuffle as the door openEd, making me fall.                   "Woo!!!! I got you Vylad!~" She cheered childishly, sticking her tongue out and giggling.                   "You got me (Y/n). But, why were you in the bathroom for hours?" I asked as (Y/n) helped me back to my feet. She giggled and pulled her phone and a blue 3DS out of her sleeve.                            "I was listening to music and playing Mario Cart. I lost track of time." She replied before climbing onto my back. I held her legs and walked back into the living room. Everyone looked at us, relief filled their expressions before the guys glared at me. (Y/n) giggled happily and fell backwards, her hands barely touching the ground. I let go of her legs and she flipped back onto the ground, her hoody and shirt coming up slightly to reveal dark marks covering her stomach. What was that...? Did anyone else see that? I shrugged it off and sat next to Travis, putting my book on the table. (Y/n) collapsed on the couch next to Cadenza and gave her a smile. Cadenza smiled back.           "Nice to see you again Cadenza." (Y/n) said playfully, bowing slightly. Cadenza laughed and curtsied as Ms. Pink and Laurence's dad, Hayden ran into the room.                                                           "We have great news!!!!" Hayden cheered happily, gaining everyone's attention.                                 "The competitions start tomorrow!!!! Each group will sing a couple songs and do one group dance and one duet. With singing, we need a solo, a group and a duet." Ms. Pink stated.

            ~~~ The next day ~~~

Your POV:

I yawned and stretched before glancing at the clock. 4:35... Figures... Karma just isn't on my side today... I rolled off the bed, careful not to disturb Cadenza, before walking to my bag. I grabbed the outfit we planed and walked into the bathroom, having a quick shower and doing my hair into two braids. Once I was done, I put my hoody over top and walked into the kitchen, getting everything out to make pancakes.

After a couple minutes, the pancakes were ready. I quickly put them on plates, set the table and walked towards our room with two pots. I giggled evilly and slammed the pots together loudly.   "WAKE UP!!!! I MADE PANCAKES!!!!" I yelled, making everyone jump and look at me surprised. I giggled and gave them a peace sign before running back to the table. Hayden and Ms. Pink were already sitting down and eating. Ms. Pink was wearing a baby blue, calf length dress with a violet belt, silver flats and a silver headband with the Phoenix Drop High symbol. Hayden was wearing a baby blue v neck with the Phoenix Drop High symbol on the left side of his shirt, faded blue jeans, and silver running shoes. I smiled and sat down next to Ms. Pink, eating my pancakes. What's happening to me? It's only been about a month of grade nine, and I've opened up so much... I have eight real friends, good grades, a family... And only a couple bully's.... I've changed so much... And I think I like this change... I'm becoming more happy and enthusiastic... Something I haven't been since I was taken to the orphanage.... But... All this could disappear in a second if I showed them the markings... Not everyone is as awesome as Cadenza and except me... But they are my friends... They won't hurt me... Not again... No... These guys aren't like that....                                                                                                                                                                                            "(Y/n)!!! (Y/n)!!!" I blinked and looked up to see Dante in my face. He smiled and winked.                         "What?" I asked, looking around the table. Zane signed and rolled his eyes and continued eating as Dante sat back down in his seat. I shrugged it off and looked down at my plate to see my pancakes gone. I looked back over at Dante to see him eating more pancakes. He looked up at me and stuck his tongue out before continuing to eat. I laughed evilly inwardly before standing up and walking towards Dante, everyone watching me as I put my face next to his.                             "You know Dante... It's not nice to steal other people's pancakes." I whispered as I took the plate of pancakes quietly. Dante's face lit up. As I giggled and ran back to my seat, stuffing the pancakes in my mouth. Cadenza and I high fived as Dante sat their for a moment, registering what happened. The other guys laughed and continued eating as Dante ranted in about pancakes.

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