I walked into the hallway and went into my tutor room, it was like a sea of blue, from royal blue to lapis to sapphire to my washed out navy blue. The whole room was brightened with colours.

"HEEEY Kimani, nice colour!" Ms Nagouri exclaimed as I entered the classroom, she had on a blue top, blue jeans and blue chucks and had in blue earrings. She went all out, all I did was wear a blue top this woman went and even applied blue lipstick, woooow.

"Thank you Miss." I said semi awkwardly as she was still smiling in my direction. I honestly feel as though this woman enjoys her job a bit too much, nothing wrong with it but sometimes it can get awkward to be around, she's constantly smiling about something like she has all sorts of secrets kept safe within her.

I sat down at my table as I waited for the class to begin. I guess we could be late today or something because it was now 9:00, 15 minutes after lesson was supposed to start and I was the only one on my table.

Never mind, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Tristian and Christian walked into class with Frappe's from McDonalds as they sat down in their seats. "Now, you guys know you're not meant to be drinking and eating in class unless its water or gum, bin it or save it." She said ... smiling. See you expected her to have her hands on her hips, shaking her head but no, she was smiling with her eyebrows gathering at the top of her head.

"Itee Miss." They both said as they began to slurp their drinks as fast as they could, their cheeks forming dimples as they sucked on the straw with force trying to finish everything. I couldn't do anything but laugh as they both started breathing hard as they got up and started drinking near the bin still sucking on the straw with force. Tristian slammed his cup into the bin and burped whilst Christian unscrewed the top and let the broken ice parts fall into his mouth. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the thought of these two boys.

"Okay class as you guys know today is Welcoming Wednesday where we all come together as a tutor group and do fun activities to beat the other tutor groups, we must win, we are going to win aren't we!" She said thrusting her arm into the air. I felt like I was on some cringe T.V show instead of class. "Common, I said we're going to win aren't we!" She yelled again thumping her fist in the air.

"Yeah common class we can do it!" Tristian said in some weird Californian accent, causing the class to laugh at him.

"That's the spirit Tristian, common class!" She said in reply to Tristian. I laughed as I watched my class have the same expression, really nigga written all over our faces. "First task we have to do is create a class banner for the room, any ideas?" She said directing the question to the whole class.

"Why don't we write K223 and then have all of us draw something around the image that represents us like a symbol or our names or something." some girl in our class said, she was white and dip dyed hair, she looked cute, like them little tumblr girls with mason jars and Starbucks as their lock screens.

"O. M. G! Great Idea Jessica!" She yelled jumping in her spot. I rolled my eyes causing Christian to laugh at me. Now Miss was becoming annoying it wasn't even cute anymore, how I was going to get through the day I don't know. "Whilst half of the class does that, why don't you guys make a jingle and then switch it up, kill two birds with one stone!" I looked at the board as it had a set of things we could do during the day, make jingles, banners, a slogan, create outfits for with art supplies and some other generic tasks.

"Ite Miss, we'll make the jingle on this table." Tristian said whilst getting paper and pens from the centre of the table.


We were now getting on with the set tasks on the board as Miss was on the computer doing something whilst she smiled at the bright computer screen. Christian, Tristian and I were trying to make this jingle but kept messing about, it was like having two big brothers when I was them, in about two weeks I had already established some sort of relationship with these two. "K223 tutor room filled with mad G's, come see ballers rolling in P's, peng ting warn jump on my D, all A's in the room no B's." Tristian rapped like he was in some sort of GRM Daily music video. "Don't lie that was hard init." He said smirking as he nodded.

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