Chapter 1: Happy Holiday's

Start from the beginning

"Get in there!"

The guard shouted back. Kicking Lemur at the back of his knee, propelling him forward. He landed inside the room painfully on his knees. He was getting weak. He didn't know how many more meals he could afford to skip. When he was with the other inmates he barely ate, his food was taken away or an inmate would throw it on the ground.

"Oh Lemur you look like shit boy."

Pamela said chuckling inside the darkroom as Lemur crawled in. He heard the guard shut the door behind him and lock it.

"Pamela is that you? what are you here?"

Lemur started chuckling hysterically.

"I must be hallucinating...I've finally lost my mind..."

Lemur said to himself aloud, still laughing.

"You've gone completely bat shit crazy. Get up Lemur before I change my mind about helping you out."

Pamela said walking slowly towards Lemur, she crouched down in front of him. She smacked away his hand when he tried to touch her face.

"How are you here? You're supposed to be in prison."

Lemur stated in shock.

" When you're a queen you rule no matter where you are. Now listen up, this is a one time offer. One-time Lemur and you could get your freedom."

Pamela said as a lady in a perfectly tailored black suit come out from the shadows behind Pamela. Lemur rubbed his eyes again. He was convinced he was daydreaming, the prison had finally managed to break his mind completely.,Lemur thought. He decided he had nothing to lose though. He was too far gone as far as he was concerned, it was his mind tricking him because of his earlier fantasies of killing Ricky. He knew though that if it were real he would take the opportunity. There was nothing he wanted more than to be free. He would do anything to get out of this prison even if it meant making a deal with Pamela again.

"Good. This is Leah. She can make the seemingly impossible, possible."

Pamela said turning around and facing Leah. Leah grabbed Pamela by the waist and kissed her on the mouth.

"Lemur. I can get you out of here in twenty-four hours if I like what you have to say. I must warn you don't think you can hide once you're out in the open because you can't. There's no place you can go that I won't find you. Some call me a ghost but I prefer Shadow it has a certain ring to it. So Lemur are you in or are you out." Leah surmised looking at Lemur, there was a desperation in him. He was exactly what she needed right now.

"I'm in!"

Lemur blurted out immediately with no hesitation. He had made up his mind even before she was done talking.

"Well, Pam wasn't wrong about you. Get ready you are leaving this dump real soon, we have a lot of work to do. It's time to restore order, people will find out what happens when a shadow steps out into the light."

Leah said moving closer to Lemur and grabbing his junk.

"Oh poor baby, don't worry. I'm here to take care of you."

Leah whispered pumping Lemur's member as he whimpered and sighed. His semen filled his pants as he came. He had gone hard as soon as she touched him and released just as quick. He looked down unable to look at her.

"Don't be shy baby. It's been a while. I know you will do better once you get out of here. This place can be cruel but I'm here now."

Leah purred still holding onto Lemur's junk and placing a kiss on his lips.

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