Hello Brooklyn

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This is pretty much where my actual, non-fanfic book starts, but obviously there's going to be some continuity errors because this is just for fun and that book I hope to publish.


Marina's POV:

I was putting on my shoes and grabbing my purse to go get the kiddos from school. Peter would be driving himself and Tucker, Brian was going with Jake, Stella and Jimmy would be getting out a little later at the middle school and going with me. Max would be driving himself home. Okay, that's all six of my babies. I just locked the door when I heard the house phone ring. I unlocked and grabbed it right before it went to the answering machine.

"Hello?" I was so quick I missed the caller ID.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Gaskarth?" A woman asked.

"This is, how may I help you?"

"This is Allison from the high school. You need to come in immediately. Your son got into a fight." She said.

"Which one, I have four there." I meant Peter, Max, Tucker, and Brian.


I should have known. "Alright, I'll be right in." I said, hanging up.  This was moderately common for him. Peter had an interesting school life. He was a marching band, stoner, loser to the jocks. He was a straight C student besides band. He was wildly motivated and dedicated to his music career, but not a popular dude. He liked to use his fists when he felt threatened, something Alex applauded and I abhorred. I got into the tiny car (Alex took the SUV today) and drove ten minutes to the high school. Once I got there, I called Brian to ask if he and Jake could pick up the kids. He said of course.

A few kids were playing out on the feild, mostly girls tossing around a soccer ball. Football practice was happening too. I glanced at the tight, spandex asses. Jeeze, the boys of my generation were much cuter. All these dudes had that stupid quiff hairstyle. I rushed into the building, to the office. 

The secretary motioned to the door. "They're right in there."

I said nothing but walked right in. The boys both looked at me. One was a pissed off Peter. The other was Tucker. He had a bruise on his cheek.

"My god, my baby! Are you okay? How did this happen?" I kissed his forehead, rethinking the previous sentence. Of course it was from his stepfather. "You know what, you don't have to answer that." I was still confused as to why he was here. Obviously Peter and him would never fight.

"Mrs. Gaskarth, your son Peter got into a fist fight today in the parking lot." The vice principle said. She was a strong woman with a no-nonsense attitude. She tried to be so intimidating and hated my children, but she couldn't scare me.

"Who's the guy you beat up? Wait- lemme guess!" I clapped my hand together in excitement as I sat. "Was it Reed?"

"Ooh, first try." He gave me a fist bump.

"This is not a game!" Miss Tyrant raised her voice. "Do you understand the consequences of a physical altercation?"

"What happened? Did he say something stupid?" I asked Peter.

"He was giving Tuck some shit, I told him to knock it off, he pushed me, I KOed him, I picked him up, we worked it out." He explained.

"Dammit, Peter! You can't punch the poor kid out if he pushes you!" I scolded.

"I know, it was a total overreaction. We worked it out though." 

"What was he saying about Tuck?" I whispered.

Missing You (Sequel to Somewhere In Neverland)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora