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A/N: I don't recall who requested a Dark x depressed reader and I apologize for that, but I'm doing your story. :)

I'm extremely depressed and I really can't put my finger on why. I just am. I feel let down and let out by everyone and everything. My life isn't what I want it to be. I'm in my mid-20s and feel like a failure for not being able to buy a house...I hate living in an apartment, I grew up in one and they suck in my opinion. I work a shitty, dead-end job. I hate my boss and my coworkers. I dropped out of college because I got poor grades...just like I did in high school. Nothing is coming together for me no matter what I try. People don't really click with me, either so I spend most of my time alone. I just don't know anything anymore. I don't want to die or anything, I just want to fade into nothingness. Irrelevance, if you will. My friend Dark has been barking up my tree for days now, trying to get me to come out of my shell. I appreciate that, but it's not working.

I flopped face up on my bed, kicking my shoes off lazily. I had just gotten off of a double shift and more than anything I just wanted to rest and be alone. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I looked up, frightened by the sudden feeling. "Boo." Dark said, flatly. I sighed and rolled over. "What's that all about? Say hi or something." he said. "Hi Dark." I said, covering myself in blankets. He was silent. "Alright, what's the issue?" he asked. "No issue." I replied. "Bullshit, you're upset or something. Are you forgetting my job? I know when something is bothering a person." I sighed. "I just don't feel good." "You sick or something?" he asked. "Mentally." He snorted. "People tell me that all the time." he said. "Can't blame them, they don't really know who I am." I didn't reply. "Tell me what the problem is." I sighed. He wasn't giving up. "Why do you care anyway?" I asked. "We're friends, aren't we supposed to care about each other?" He had a valid point. "Look, I don't really think I want to talk about it." I said. "So you're going to just hole up in your room and mope instead of talk it out?" I groaned. "If I tell you will you quit pestering me?" "No, but I want you to tell me anyway." I sighed, frustrated. "Alright, I'm just disappointed with life right now. It's no big deal. It's normal." He jumped over me and laid down beside me. "Elaborate." he said, putting his hands behind his head. "I just wish I owned a house, made more money, and...well, you know, had good friends...did fun things...I feel like a loser." It felt good and bad to admit that. "You're no loser, (y/n). I don't hang out with losers, except Mark. But I only hang out with him because I literally have to." I cracked a bit of a smile. "I'm telling him you said that." I said. "Knock yourself out, as if I give a fuck. I tell that to him to his face on a regular basis." I shook my head. "Anyway, like I was saying, you're not a loser, you just...didn't do what you thought you'd do." I cocked my head. "You thought your life would play out differently than it did. That's disappointing, but it's not the end of the world." It sure felt like it. "Look, (y/n), keep pinching pennies and you'll buy a house someday. Why not try to go out more and meet people if you want to spend time around others? LA sucks, but there are some fun things to do. Look around, you'll find something. I're not doing anything to change things when you can. You're just copping out." I sighed. "I figured you'd say that. This really isn't helping." he seemed confused. "It's true." he said. "You're not a shrink, I don't think we should take this conversation further."I said, pulling the covers over my head. "(Y/N), come on girl. Quit it." he said, pulling at the covers. I held them in place firmly and dismissed him. "I'm not going anywhere." he said. "You'll regret that if that's true. I'm done. I just want to pay taxes and die." He chuckled. "Well you're in luck...those are two things you have to do." "Look...shit gets rough sometimes." he started. "Oh god, here we go." I mumbled. "What?" he asked. "You, you think you're so smart sometimes." "I am smart." "In some respects, but you have no idea how the human mind works." He sighed. "You really have forgotten my job, haven't you? I literally have to know how the human mind works. You are depressed. Classic case of the blues, whatever you want to call it. You had a plan for your life, and things didn't work out like you wanted them to. Let me tell you something: that happens to everyone. Get over it. Your life is so fucking far from over,it's barely started. Catching my drift?"  I growled. "I'll take that as a no. I don't know what to tell you (y/n), other than you need to get your ass out of bed and do something. I mean, would it make you feel better if I left you a pile of cash so you can go buy a house?" "No." I said, flatly. "I want to earn things myself. If I need money, I'll get a loan. I think it's pathetic to bum cash for something major from friends or family." "Fair enough. Good gumption you've got going there." We stayed silent for what felt like forever. I pondered what he had said, but none of it mattered to me. I had some kind of a mental wall up. He sighed. "Look, text me later. Please." I had no intentions of talking to anyone later, but I promised him. "If I don't hear from you by 9, I'm coming back." I felt the bed rise a bit as he got up. "Deal." I mumbled, just wanting to sleep my life away and cry.

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