Chapter 3: Start of Something New

Start from the beginning


I look up and see Justin looking down at me smirking, I hit him

"Justin shut up, I swear to god"

"Hey you said it not me, and its the first time you said it while we aren't in bed"

I stand up push him jokingly


He pulls me by the waist so our chests are slammed against each other

He leans in and starts kissing from my ear down my neck

"Oh baby thats not what you where saying last night"

I reach up and pull the ends of his hair and moan slightly to try and tease him and start sucking on his neck to leave a mark then I trail up to his lips then stop and push him away

"Save it for Paris baby"I push his chest back and turn back to the pups

"Auntie Lia will be coming to take care of you guys while we are gone, ok babies, I love you guys too much"

I give them each a kiss on the head and turn to Justin

He stands there cross armed with one eyebrow raised

"What" I laugh and walk to the front door with him trailing behind

I grab my suitcase and carryon when Justin came behind me and grabbed my suitcase from my hands

"Ive got it babe" I smile sweetly and kiss him on the cheek for a thank you

~time skip to airport~

"Fuck Justin come on the gate close sin ten minutes"

We grab our bags from the car and sprint to the door of the airport

Justin has his hood up with sunglasses to try and keep it on the low since we don't have security today

I have my hood up also with just my glasses

We sprint to security and we give the lady our passports

She looks Justin up and down after seeing his passport she laughs evilly and signals for security

She whispers to them and they start heading towards us

"Justin whats happening"

He takes my hand and looks me in the eye and laughs

"We still have our hoods and glasses on Paige they don't believe me"

I giggle slightly still a bit nervous about whats about to happen

Once they get close enough Justin lowers his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and winks at the lady and the security guards

Her jaw drops and nods quickly and hands us back our passports

"Im sorry sir, you don't know how many times people have tried to use fake id's saying their you"

"Haha no problem" he grabs my hand and we start running to the gate

We reach the gate and they where closing the door and I run to the lady quickly

"Ma'am we are supposed to be on that plane can can we please go"

She looks me up and down and huffs then shakes her head

"No, sorry I just closed the doors your too late"

I turn around to see Justin walking towards us and he goes up to the girl

"ma'am please just let us through the plane didn't even leave yet"

She doesn't even look at him and she shakes her head


I can tell he's trying to think of something to do, he then looks around noticing no body near us and he puts his hood down and took off his sunglasses then sings quietly to her

"Is it to late to say I'm sorry now"

She looks up in shock and nods eagerly she then runs over to the door and opes it quickly

"Thank you, thank you"

We run to the plane quickly and make it just in time

When we walk in we hear gasps and some screams I then look behind me and see Justin getting pulled

"Shit" I forgot he took off his hood and sunglasses

"Stop, stop get off him please we need to go sit down"

Justin waves and smiles towards his fans and promises them he will be back to take pictures once we get settled in our seats

We walk fast to get to our seats without anymore distractions

We finally reach our seats and I fall into them slumped over

Justin sits down and kisses me on the head

"Well that was an interesting expirience"

I laugh

"Ok Justin go do your thing I'm going to take a nap, I'm exhausted"

He nods and gives me a lingering kiss

He then puts his forehead to mine

" We are going to have sooo much fun in Paris baby"

I peck his lips and nod

He walks away to go see everyone and I look out the window watching the clouds as I do a thought suddenly appears in my mind

Why are we on a public plane if Justin has shows, when he has shows he always takes his management plane with scooter and everyone? Theres something going on and I'm going to figure it out now!







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