Unfortunate News

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately that is the case for this.

I know many of you have been waiting for an update for "Innocently Unaware". But I have decided to take this story and the rest of my stories down indefinitely for now.

My reasons:

1) I have not made much progress with my writing - This past year has been especially difficult for me on so many levels. I have so much crap I am still trying to deal with in my personal life, and that has been a major hindrance in so many ways.

2) Plagiarism - I personally have not come across plagiarized copies of any my stories as of yet. However, I have seen so many more issues with plagiarizing on Wattpad  lately within the last few months. From the authors/stories I have followed, many have sent out messages of their stories being plagiarized by other Wattpad users or internet users. And I know posting a story on Wattpad increases that risk, but still you would think people could at least respect that. But unfortunately, there are people who do not. Authors work hard on their stories, so for someone else to take credit for that is very insulting. 

While my stories are now down for now, I do ask, if you do see any my stories or blatant copies ANYWHERE, please let me know immediately.

This account is the ONLY account and ONLY place/site that my stories have been published to. So any other user or site claiming to have my any of my stories or claiming my stories to be theirs are completely plagiarized. So please let me know if you do come across anything like this.

Again, I am sorry for this unfortunate turn of events.

- writershigh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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