Part 2

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They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are all the same.


I loudly push the school doors open making a very noticeable entrance. Everyone in the hall stops what their doing and looks at me. I wave at everyone smirking. After what feels like forever the students go back to doing whatever they were before.

As I make my way down the hallway I hear some people start to whisper, probably about me but I don't care about what they think.

Oh the joys of being the new kid.

After about 30 seconds I already feel lost. I see a girl ahead of me. She has median length wavy light brown hair and brown eyes. My guess is she is about 5'7. She looks nice.

" Hey um can you help me find the office. I am kind of lost." I ask the girl.

" how can you already be lost, you just got here! And besides do I look like the the welcoming committee." She snarls back.

Oh. Maybe not so nice.

" I'm new here." I respond flatly

" I know idiot I'm not blind." She bits back. Ok now I'm just pissed. She has NO idea who she's talking to. I narrow my eyes at her.

"What the hell is your problem? I asked for simple direction and all you do is act like a bitch." I practically yell at her. A crowd starts to form around us. She narrows her eyes at me

" My problem! You are the one who burst into here acting like you own the place. But you don't because this is my school and you will do what I say." She screams in my face. Who the hell does she think she is? I hear the crowd around us cheering us on.

" I don't see your name on this school. You don't own it. You just act like a self center arrogant bitch who thinks she does." I comeback with. Her eyes go wide for a second before she composes herself.

" I am going to beat the crap out of you. Your just a weak little slut who doesn't know her place. You might be new but let me tell you something. I run this school!"

I laugh at this. Honestly if she new what I could do to her she would run away screaming, but she didn't. She takes a "threatening" step towards me.

" What's so funny!" She yells in my face.

" oh just the fact that you think you could actually hurt me and make me listen to you. " I boldly state.

"I bet your all talk but let's see about that." She responds. She raises her hand and tries to slap me but I grab her wrist before she can touch me. In one motion I twist her arm behind her back and push her up against the lockers.
" Don't you ever think you can touch me." I growl into her ear. 

I quickly let go of her with a smirk on my face and walk away not turning back. The crowd splits for me, everyone staring at me some out of fear and some out of aw.

Great I still don't even know where the office is.
I've wandering around for like half an hour trying to find the stupid office. I am lost, late for class on the first day and I'm pissed. I'm tempted to take out my gun and just shoot the first person I see out of pure anger, but I can't. No one can know who I really am.

" Hey can I help you. You seem kind of lost." A girl says, snapping me out of my inner dialog.  My guess is the girl around 5'2, short compared to my 5'6. She has long super curly hair that's a very dark brown. 

" Yes! Oh thank god someone who is actually nice."  I exclaim very happy. She laughs at me.

" I'm Brooke." She replies.

"Alex. So can you help me find the office?" I ask.

" Of course. You must be new the office is on the other side of the school." Brooke says, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me with her. Brooke starts blabbing into my ear, which I tune out. I hear someone slam a locker shut making me jump. I  am still so paranoid. I can't get caught and I still have to find a way to stop the Black Blood, a terrorist group. The only reason why I'm in high school is to blend in and stay hidden.

" Hello earth to Alex!" Brooke shouts, waving a hand I front of my face. "I have been trying to get your attention for the pass 2 minutes. We're here." Books says. I smile sheepishly at her.

"Sorry" I mumble.

We enter the office together. There is a short lady with gray hair sitting behind the desk.

" Hi I'm new here, my names Alex Summers. I came to pick up my scheduled." I say politely.

"Of course. The lady responses. She stands up and goes to the cabinet behind her. She riffles through the files until she finds the right one.  She hands it to me.

"Inside the file is your schedule, locker number, and school handbook. Have a great day." She says smiling at me.


As me and Brooke exit the office I pull out my schedule.

1 hour History
2 hour AP English
3 hour AP stats
4 hour life management
5 hour French 4
6 hour Art

" let me see your schedule." Brooke demands.

"Ok ok" I laugh as I hand her my schedule.

" Omg yay we have  hours 1, 2, and 4 hour together."

" Really thank god at least I will know someone." I reply happily as we head to our first class.

Hidden Talents Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora