Operation 40 ( A Call of Duty: Black Ops fan fic)

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Bay of Pigs, Cuba

0500 Hours, April 17, 1961

Alex Mason was sitting at the bar in a small restaurant in Cuba. The glow of Frank Woods' cigar was distracting as he sat next to him. The bartender, whom Woods was talking to, pulled out a small slab of paper with a map drawn on it. "We're going in from here Carlos", Said Woods. "Your assault on the airfield should keep them occupied". "Alright, that will do then!" Said Carlos. Woods was middle aged with dark brown hair, a goatee beard and a very deep voice. Mason had short black hair, a small beard and almost always wore sunglasses. The third man, who had not spoken yet, was named Joseph Bowman. He was African-American and had a small yet thick goatee.

Outside, they heard a heavy vehicle pulling up and some voices speaking in Spanish. Woods turned to Mason and said "We've got company".

Suddenly, the door burst open and 5 or so armed and full body camouflaged uniformed soldiers entered. There was a Cuban woman dancing in a Khorne red dress. A soldier walked up to this woman, grabbed her by the arm and started yelling at her in Spanish while shaking her around. He then threw her to the ground and walked towards Bowman. The military captain of the group called out to mason from the door, "Hey! Where are you from?" He said. "Ignore him" said Woods. "Hey! I asked where you were from! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He shouted as he advanced on Mason with his hand outstretched. It happened so quickly, right before the captain grabbed Masons arm, Woods grabbed the captains arm, unsheathed his combat knife and slammed it into the captains hand. The knife's stab was so strong it went through his hand and lodged itself into the table they were sitting at. Woods then grabbed the nearest object to him (being a glass bottle) and brought it crashing down onto the captains head. Mason reacted without question. He ripped out his 9mm, 7 round ASP pistol and emptied 2 rounds into the soldier guarding the door. The blood sprayed out from each of where the bullets had hit him and splattered onto the ground in large blobs. He fell backward with his hands outstretched as if reaching for something behind him and then slumped to the ground like a rag doll. Bowman, Woods and Carlos had taken out the rest of the soldiers and Woods had gone and closed the door. Carlos reached under his bar and pulled out 4 M-16's with ACOG scopes and under-railed grenade launchers. "Shit, your loaded!" Said Mason. They all moved to the door after loading up and preparing. Suddenly, they heard police sirens outside. "Occupants leavin' their vehicles. Armed with shotguns!" Said Bowman as he looked out of the window. Woods then said "Are you ready? Go!" As he opened the door. before the police could even react. bowman had fired bursts of bullets all over the street and 2 or 3 police officers fell forward with blood flowing from different parts of their bodies and from 1 of the dead where a bullet had slammed him in the forehead had sprayed brain over his BMW police car behind him. As they advanced up the long street more police cars arrived and parked themselves on the sidewalk. Mason aimed his gun in the direction of the police car and pulled the trigger of his grenade launcher. One second, there was a police car, the next, there was a beautiful bellow of red and orange fire. Debris and glass flew everywhere. Mason then shot another police officer and the officer fell back into a pool of his own blood. Suddenly, there was an officer behind a fruit stand and yelled at Mason to get on the ground. But then Woods was behind the officer, and his knife pierced his white, suited chest and blood seethed and stained through his uniform. As they advanced furthermore down the street about 7 police cars and 2 FBI vans formed a barrier at the end of the road. They couldn't take all of them so they dived into a left alleyway. "See you soon Woods!" Said Carlos as he dived into the opposite alley. "Just be there!" Yelled Woods in return. At the end of the alley there was a white Ford. Mason ran for it and jumped into the open door of the car. Woods got into the passenger seat and Bowman hit the back seats. Mason reversed through the L shaped alley and broke into the main road behind. He turned around and drove down the street in the opposite direction of the police roadblock, yet there were police forces all along the street and they were firing at the car as they drove past. Woods yelled at Mason as an FBI officer fired a shotgun round into the cars windshield. As the glass shattered all 3 of them ducked. Yet another police blockade was up ahead. this time it was just made up of officers and plastic barriers as the police had no time to make a roadblock out of cars. there were 5 police officers behind the plastic blockades. Mason drove right through it and slammed into the nearest officer. The man had broken both his legs and split his head due to the impact of the car and had around 45 seconds to live.

Mason drove on and on until the police were nowhere to be found and they headed over to the countryside...

* * *

Castro's Compound, Bay of Pigs, Cuba

1000 Hours, April 17, 1961

"Alright, it's almost time" said Woods. As the 3 of them waited on a flat area cut into the side of a mountain, they looked down into a walled compound with a small comm's building and the main fortress. all 3 of them were now wearing Black Ops uniforms consisting of a short-sleeved military jacket (probably Kevlar underneath) and trousers. utility belt with canteen bottles and ammunition. Mason was wearing a backwards cap, Woods had red band around his head. In the distance a small explosion was heard. "That's the signal, let's move!" said Woods. They all hook up to zip lines which conveniently lead strait into the coonhound courtyard. Woods and Bowman went first and then Mason. two guards stood talking to each other in the courtyard. as Woods and bowman went down the zip line, the guts slowly turned their heads to the obnoxious noise but it was too late. Woods and Bowman were already on them. They stuck 6 inch US army combat knifes deep into the two Tropas guards and it quickly killed them due to a pierced jugular. They could not call out because their throats filled with blood too fast. They quickly moved across the courtyard into the small comms building. That looked through the window on the other side of the room and saw a large number of armoured vehicles and troops headed away from the compound. "Carlos' attack on the airfield must have done the trick" says Woods. As they move silently through the building they come across a large and slightly old fashioned radio on a n oak table with a Tropas radio cam meander behind it yelling commands in Spanish. "Take him out Mason" whispers Woods. as Mason sneaks up to him he could literally see the sweat on his face. Then, Mason quickly pulled out his garrottes and whipped them around his neck. Mason pulled back hard but had his knee on he soldiers back Mekong him choke faster. at first it was just spit coming from the soldiers gasping mouth struggling to call out but after a few seconds, blood started to spill from the mans mouth and throat. after a good ten seconds, the mans struggles turned to small hand flexes and then finally he lay still.

By the time Mason had finished up Woods and Bowman were at the door leading to the path the soldiers were taking a minute ago. they opened the door and hid behind a large boulder to the left. They waited a few seconds to make sure the soldiers were gone and then turned their M4A1 Commando Carbine 30 round clip assault rifles off safety mode and pulled back the load slide. they then moved up the path until they reached a stone arch with stairs leading up to a garage. 2 Tropas soldiers stood at the top of the stairs. Mason and Bowman opened fire while Woods ran up the stairs. Mason fired a burst shot and the three bullets pierced through the mans chest and the blood spewed from behind him and painted the garage red and he slumped down, choking on his own blood. the second man bowman shot in the head and his head split with brain flying high and a large pool of blood seeping onto the floor. the gunshots attracted 3 more guards from inside the garage and all the of the Op 40 Operatives fired burst all over the place. gunshots filled the air and one by one the Tropas' fell to the ground screaming in pain or dead. they moved up to the garage and moved through it. 6 more troops were on the other side of the garage. 2 of them were shooting at Mason and he could hear he bullets whiz past his head. he fired off bursts of shots as he ran to find cover behind a car and as he fired, blood speckled the floor beside a bald soldier and he clutched his chest as he fell to his knees and then fell forward onto his stomach. as blood seeped through onto the sand and made a large circle around the fallen man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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