As soon as Louis mentioned me, Luna cheerfully stood from the sofa and made her way over to me. I removed my arms from around Harry's waist and enveloped Luna's body into mine as she embraced me. It was one of the sweetest hugs I'd ever recieved.

"Goodbye Rosie!" Luna said, sending me a warm smile as she pulled away from me.

I pulled a smile on my face as well, though I was quite sad to have to leave after seeing her for only a few times. We had come so close these past few visits and it was depressing to think that my time to get closer would her would be even further in the future. At least that gives us both room to appreciate one another even more.

As we said our last goodbyes, Harry and I left the house, making our way out to the car. It had felt so familiar already, leaving the same house and hopping into the same leather seat, though it had only been a few times. I could definitely get used to the feeling in the future.


A few mornings later, Harry turned on a cute little movie after having breakfast, though it was clear that neither of us were able to pay attention.

I had rested my head against his chest, my eyes shut as I thought about the night a few days previous. Everything was so perfect, our bodies etched together in perfect harmony. It was the one night I couldn't merely control my yearning for him. I let myself go so easily, putting all of my faith into him only to have to let him go just a few days later.

I really didn't want to lose him. After everything we had been through, I desperately wished that I could somehow stay with him. After all the small fights, unfortunate tears, sleepless cuddles, and passionate intimacy, there's nothing I wanted more than him. I wanted him.

I wanted him to stay. I wanted to experience true love, and live out a future filled with happiness. I wanted to continue to be his pretty little girl who he can hug and comfort as he pleases. I didn't want an over the phone relationship. I wanted to be able to feel his touch, feel his body heat against my own. I wanted to brush my fingers against his skin for an eternity.

But none of that could happen, not anymore, not after today.

My heart nearly fell to the pit of my stomach once Harry's voice sounded. I wanted to run, hide, and cry, but at the same time I wanted to hug him and never let go.

"She's almost here." He said, forcing my emotions to spill out all at once, flooding my thoughts like a tsunami of feelings.

I immediately started crying. After thinking so roughly, I couldn't hold the tears in much longer. I felt my heart drop and a lump formed in my throat that I couldn't seem to swallow down. It hurt; everything hurt so badly.

"No. No. No!" I cried. "She can't be on her way."

"Rosie. Calm down. There is nothing we can do about it now." He said, refusing to place even a finger on me, although all I wanted was for him to hug and comfort me.

"There has to be something." I whined, standing up from the couch at that moment. I stood there tensely, glaring at him as I attempted to refrain from sobbing.

His whole entire mood shifted. He looked so defeated and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't merely regain composure. He was hurt, as was I. Great minds think alike, I guess.

"There's nothing we can do, Rose." He repeated, his voice nearly in a whisper. He bit his lip, and for the first time ever I could see tears welling in his eyes.

I glared at him for a short moment, then fell to the floor in a fit of sobs. I couldn't hold myself together any longer. I pulled my knees to my chest, burying my head in my hands. I let all of my sadness pour out at that very moment.

"Rose, you have to pull yourself together, please! Your mother is nearly here." Harry pleaded, panic evident in his tone of voice. I wanted so badly to put a smile on my face but the tears and emotions refused to discontinue.

"Tell me you love me. I just need to know you love me. Tell me we will have a future together." I begged, glaring into Harry's deep emerald eyes as tears spilled from my own. I was more afraid than ever to lose him.

"I love you so much, Rosie. And I promise we will work everything out." Harry grabbed onto my hands pulling me close to him as he planted several kisses all over my face. It felt so magical, as we had refused to make such contact with each other, as we were fearful that it would force us to grow undetatchable.

As I began calming down, Harry cupped my cheeks, pulling me in for for the last kiss we would get to experience. His lips desperately clashed with mine, every moment soft and slowed, filled with passion. I didn't ever want to pull away, but I knew I would have to make myself look presentable for my mother.

Harry pulled away after a short moment, sending me off to clean up my tears and my appearance overall. We both knew my mother expected me to be in perfect condition. I made that possible for her. On the outside I made that possible for her, though on the inside, every last piece of my heart was crumbling into fine shreds.


I'm sorry if this sucks. I'm SO busy with school and everything but at least I only have one month left. (:
I will try to update very soon, as I'm sure you all know what's coming next chapter. Yeah, that should be easy to come up with a chapter.
ALSO, I was asked to write a separate story about Louis and Luna. Please leave me a comment if you're interested in that!

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