Chapter 14

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Dracula's P.O.V.

My nickname was ringing loudly in my ears over and over and over again! I rolled my eyes and I ignored my nickname being called. My fingers were trying to figure what to write for Ella because after I told her my deepest, darkest secrets I expected her to be afraid and be disgusted with my actions. I was trying to write her a meaningful letter and I was hoping she would be able to read my hideous writing. I was right handed and Ella was left handed and she was artistic in her way of thinking, but her writing was as lovely as she was. So far I had;

 Dear Ella (the best girlfriend that ever lived),

Thanks for listening to me and I am so thankful that you accepted me as who I am.

I hope my past doesn't make you think any differently of me. You're an amazing

woman. I think you are-

 Those were the sentences I could think up. Instead of just thanking her, I wanted to write a letter that would move her soul into another realm because my words left markings on her skin. Either way she would be thankful that I did write a meaningful letter for her. I would be rewarded with a kiss and some cookies, like always. I wanted more than that. I wanted to see her eyes gleam with exuberant jolliness. The only time I saw that was when I told her I "tolerated her". I know that may sound like the most absolute stupidest thing you ever heard, but she was thrilled to hear those words. This was before we were together. In my terms it meant that she was the only human I tolerated. Even though Ella found out that I was pissed off when she didn't give me the attention that I wanted and I was receiving this attention from other human girls, but I wanted her attention. When she didn't acknowledge my presence, I was beyond frustrated, but at the same time I was happy about this because she was focusing on more important matters, like school, for example, instead of me. 

 After I told her I "tolerated her" she was beginning to talk to me more. She would say hello to me when I passed by in the hallways and occasionally she would hang out with me at lunch, but she became uncomfortable with all the girls surrounding me. She finally mustered up the courage to ask me why she was the only girl I tolerated. I simply told her that "you have other things to worry about instead of paying attention to boys." She smiled. She tells me "I may have other things to worry about, but it would be nice to have a boyfriend and be mushy and stuff. I'm just like every other girl at your table." I remember telling her that she was different, even the slightest bit, she stood out in a heavenly way.

 "DRAC, I am calling your name, mister!" Ella shouts from down the hall, which means she's close by.

 I quickly hide the letter and I shoved it in my underwear drawer. I quickly spun my chair around when I saw her standing in my door way looking like a mother who caught her child doing something they weren't suppose to do. I gave Ella a cheeky smile I knew she couldn't resist and she sweetly smiled. She walks towards me and she rests her hands on the arms of my chair as she pulled my chair toward herself. She lightly kisses my nose. "Why weren't you responding to me?" she whispers.

 I kissed her lips. "I was doing something," I answered.

 She chuckles. She rests her forehead against mine. Her honey brown eyes gazed upon mine. "Be honest, Drac," she says.

 I rolled my eyes and I wrapped my arms around her and I pulled her into my lap. "I was doing my homework," I lied.

 She barks out a laugh. Not the reaction I was expecting. "I know you take your homework seriously, but Drac it's a Saturday afternoon. I'm not even thinking about my homework right now," she says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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