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sophia's pov:

so I am now dine with the interview it was cool but my 1st one it was awsome but I forgot some if the questions so u just said what came to mind which really sucked. but I dont no but its night time and I am like really tierd like every one else I think so I am just goanna go to bed.....


{sophia's dream}

sophia: louis I love you but I ca-

louis: you dont need jason you got me and I got you

sophia: but I cant I just cant

louis: why not

jason: because she loves me more

louis: no she loves me

jason: no me

sophia: boys! calm down

jason: its me though right

louis: or me it has to be me

{end if dream}

sophia:"ahhhhhhhhh nooo!" I yelled as I sat up and oulled my legs to my chest and rapped my arms around them as u yelled my dad came in the room.

chris:"sophia are you okay!"yelled my father as he had a bat in his hand in a swinging position

sophia:"yeah just a bad dream"I said as I was breathing heavily

so my father went back to his room and I layed back down and look up at the ceiling and thought to my self why was I thinking about the boys there just friends like I like louis but then I like jason but then there is jason then its jason then its louis it goes back and forth but I like them as friends but I ddont no I am just goanna go back to sleep

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