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Jason: are you sure

Sophia: yes I am haven't you guys gotten one before

boys: no

Sophia: why don't you guys get one then

Jason:layla says we cant have any tattoos, piercings are allowed though

Sophia: well I am going to get one I will catch up with you guys later

Louis: I will wait for you

Madison: me to

mikey: count me in

Jason: fine

so Sophia and the boys went into the henna shop and Sophia chose a tattoo she sat down and showed the lady her wrist in order for her to d the henna tattoo on so she was done and Sophia loved it, it was a sun with flames surrounding it.....

mikey: cool tattoo

Sophia: thanks so what do you guys want to do now

Louis: can we check out the earrings

Sophia: sure there's a store that has lots of then its just 5 stores away

Madison: how do you no so much about here

Sophia: well my dad takes me here for my birthday so yeah here's the store

so Sophia and the boys went in and Louis and mikey and Madison bought some earrings then they got ice cream as they went into the ice cream store got there ice-cream and left.....

Jason: so your going to interview us at our meet in greet today

Sophia: yeah my dad wants me to be a reporter when I grow up

Louis: that's cool

Sophia: yeah

as they were walking and talking at the same time Jason got a phone call from layla.....(he answered)


layla: Jason


layla: where are you guys

Jason: board walk why

layla: because you guys are late for the photo shoot

Jason: what okay where are you

layla: coral reef hotel

Jason: hold on

Louis: what's wrong Jason

Jason: hey Sophia how far are we from coral reef

Sophia: 1 block away

Jason: okay cool we have to run there

mikey: what why

Jason: were late for the photo shoot

boys: what lets go

so the boys and Sophia ran to coral reef the hotel where Sophia and her father are staying at tonight so they ran and ran and ran until they got there.....

layla: boys where late get in and who are you

boys: okay

Sophia: oh I am Sophia Chris trondsen's daughter

layla: oh well nice to meet you but I have to go

Sophia: bye

so layla and the boys were off and Sophia went up to her hotel room and got ready for the interview for 2b1.....

a/n: what will happen next read to find out

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