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There was nothing more I wanted in that moment then to curl up and die. Dazai was holding my arm in a lock behind my back and had a knife to my throat. Because of his stupid ability, I couldn't do anything. Chuuya stood there in front of us trying to figure out what to do and then there's my superior. Akutagawa is the reason this happened in the first place. It could be Chuuya's fault, but Akutagawa is most likely the culprit.

Shifting my head, I bit down onto Dazai's hand. The knife fell to the ground, but my screams masked the sound. Dazai dislocated my shoulder. Releasing me, I fell to my knees and grabbed my shoulder. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Now, Chuuya, as I was saying I need to make sure those files are the ones I requested. I'm not giving her over until you let me see the files." Dazai's calm voice pissed me off.

I changed into a cat, only to have him step on my tail, changing me back. Now, I was flat on my stomach with Dazai's foot firmly pressed into my spine.

"Oi! Pipsqueak! Just stop." Chuuya demanded. "Let me handle him." He glared at Dazai who was most likely just smiling as always.

I just grunted from under the bandaged man.

"I told you I have what you want. Give me my subordinate back." Chuuya stated calmly.

Akutagawa's face tightened when Chuuya spoke.

"How am I supposed to know that those are the files I want?"

"Have I ever lied before?"

I heard Dazai hum, thinking. "I suppose not. However, you already broke our little deal by bringing back up." Dazai lifted him foot and I turned into a cat to relieve my pain. He picked me up by the nape of my neck. "I should just go. I'll get the information the hard way." Dazai held me in front of his face. "Huh, Aliceina? You want to just go back to the Agency with me?"

My response was a simple hiss, baring my teeth and all.

"Bastard." Chuuya grumbled.

"I think she's stronger than you, Akutagawa." Dazai smirked while cradling me to his chest. "She has put up more of a fight in the past two days than you ever did. Must be awkward; having your subordinate surpass you." He teased.

Akutagawa's aura was beating red. His eyes glared at his old superior, shaking with anger.

"Well," Dazai huffed, "this was a waste of my time." He turned.

"What do you want with my subordinate, Dazai-san?" Akutagawa shouted while staring at the ground.

"How knows?" He looked over his shoulder. "Turn her into the military police to have her pay for her crimes, turn her into an Agency member like Kyouka-chan, poke and prod at her to figure out just how her ability works. We'll see. Isn't that right, Aliceina?" He stroked my back.

I didn't dare move or make another sound. For as much as they hate him, they sure don't challenge him... My thoughts trailed as we were back in the car that brought us to the warehouse in the first place. Dazai let out a long sigh.

"Well, that didn't go as planned." He looked at me. "We'll get you a sling for that shoulder. I didn't mean to dislocate it."

I turned back into my human form, "Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "What does the Agency really want with me?"

"Well, with two higher up members of Port Mafia trying to get you their operations have slowed. But, there is something else we could use you for. You'd have to agree with it and as of right now, you're just another dog."

"Technically cat." I stated.

Dazai chuckled, "No, no, a Port Mafia dog."

"Are you going to kill me if I don't agree like Mori? Or does the Agency do things differently?"

"Ah, Mori-san was always a little pushy." He seemed to be reminiscing about something. "The Agency is the opposite of Port Mafia. We save people."

I sighed, "Whatever, couldn't you just release me?"

"We could, but we're not going to." Dazai teased as we walked back into the Agency.

"Why not?" I raised my voice.

"Because you'd just go back to them."

I clenched my fists, "What makes you think-"

"You respect them." He stated while helping me put on my sling. "Plus, when you tried to get away from me, did you really think you could have gotten away from both of them? No, you were going to go back to them." Dazai explained.

"I hate you." I grumbled.

Dazai chuckled and messed up my hair, "Most people do."

"Is it because of what you did?"

"Good night, Aliceina." Dazai chained me back in my room at the Agency.

I tossed and turned for a little while, listening to the noises of people packing up their things and leaving the office. Pulling at the restraints a little bit, I got an idea. My trained ears waited for the silence. The stillness came over the building and I turned into a cat. Then, I turned back into my human form only to shrink as soon as I did. I slipped under the door and listened again. After I made sure the Agency was still, I grew back to my normal size. The thought dawned on me: I didn't know how high security was this place. Would alarms ring if I left? Would a bomb go off if I opened the wrong door? Sighing, I found myself in the main room. Faint footsteps entered my ears. Shrinking back down, the lights turned on. 

"Boring." A voice yawned. "Ali, do you realize what time it is?"

Damn. It's Dazai. I tried to stay hidden in the shadows.

"Don't make this hard on me..." I saw his shadow stretch. "Chuuya was my partner, so I should be good at finding a short person."

I stifled a chuckle.

"Found you." Dazai's foot was now in front of me. "Come on, out from under Kunikida's desk."

Defeated, I got out from under the desk and grew back to my normal height.

"Why do you want to go back so badly?" Dazai asked.

"Does it matter?"

"Humor me."


"My, my, you truly are the Mafia type aren't you?"

"I don't even want to know what that means." I folded my arms across my chest.

He gazed at me sadly. "Aliceina, I'll let you go back. Under one condition."

I eyed him. "Which is?"

"Tell me about your ability. Everything."

My eyes widened, "Something so simple, why?"

"Don't worry about it."  

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