Chapter 16 Continuing- Rose Number 11

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Ryan's Point of View

I came back feeling better, more relaxed. I enjoyed the walking, fishing, eating, and the massages at the spa were just what I needed.

Also, I made up my mind. Whoever it is that’s stalking me, I’m going to turn him down when I meet him. My reason is because I’m going to try and go after my student Gary Johnson, who hopefully is still single. And since he's graduating the day after tomorrow wont feel like a pedophile.

Plus he’s staying here. He’s won’t be going to College. That should worry me, but he's very smart and can go to College whenever he wants to. But for the meanwhile, there’s no reason why we shouldn't try and date for a bit. Yeah I’ll do that today. I'll ask him.

I got to my classroom with a different smile. This one is a determined smile to make some one fall in love with me. Only I won’t stalk him.

I glance at my desk and there it is, my 11th rose and my note. I sighed and picked it up and started reading it.

Monday—Number Eleven ----%---@

So, one more day and you'll find out who it is that’s driving you nuts. I have to say I’m nervous. So did you enjoy you're weekend?

Rose of the day

Look around you and tell me what you see. Because baby what you see its what you get. So this surprise is an all day thing all over the school up in the sky and at you're house. And again I hope your heart is where mine is at this moment.

I smiled sadly. He's going through so much trouble. And yet I can only love one person. I can't fight it any more. Wait what did he mean by an all day thing? I narrow my eyes at the “look around you and up in the sky” comment. I exit my classroom and in to the hallways to see them cover in nothing but big posters of me with a shadow next to me.

Everyone started smiling at me and telling me “looking good, teach”. I said thanks and went back to my classroom. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to my windows and look up at the sky. OH. MY. GOD.Up there in the sky in big letters said “Please be mine Ryan Copeland”. All my students came in and went straight to the windows.

“Told you,” said Taylor sticking his tongue out at Steven.

“Loser,” Steven said, rolling his eyes. I felt someone's gaze on me. It was Gary's. He was looking at me strangely as if studying my reaction, maybe. I smile at him. He smiled back making my heart flutter. I decided I’d wait until tomorrow after graduation.

Sorry sweet stalker, but the heart want what it wants and that is Gary Johnson.

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