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you will never know what's behind my skull
so won't you say good night, so I can say goodbye


as tyler lay there in his bed awake, nothing else apart from those suicidal thoughts roamed through tys mind.

tyler tossed and turned but nothing seemed to work.

tyler's best friend, josh, constantly told him, from the day he found out that tyler wanted to end his life, that ty could contact him whenever he needed or wanted to and not to hesitate. day or night josh would always be there for tyler whenever he could.

tyler shook his head, he didn't want to depend on josh all the time. tyler felt like he was annoying people and was a burden. tyler didn't know how to cope or plough through these horrible thoughts; which he wished upon no one and only he deserved them.

but tyler caved him. tyler texted josh.

to josh😋: what's the point?
what purpose do i serve?

and to that josh called and tyler picked up the phone with trembling hands and an unsteady heartbeat.

"tyler you have a purpose. being here is your purpose. find something, anything. art is a good way to find purpose because it is something only you created and only you know the meaning of, only you understand what that means and what it stands for; that's the beginning of purpose. find something and make art. i know hurting yourself is an option and i know you can hurt yourself but it's not worth it. lets take these thoughts these negative feelings and this energy and point it at something else. i need you tyler. we need you. stay alive because it's worth it and don't kill yourself because it isn't worth it. i love you."


so what you think. please tell me, would love your comments.

stay positive huntys.

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