Chapter 2

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"It's settled then," Tom says, "We're taking you with us." Nathan smiles, giving me a hug, and I get the same jolt I had earlier, along with a strange sense of safety. I pull away from him, giving all the other guys hugs, and come back to stand next to him. Cat runs around the circle, hugging all the guys, saving Tom for last, and then stands next to him. "Well," Jay says, "This should be fun. Five guys, two girls, what could go wrong?"

***(Not gonna go into detail about the tour, that's a story in itself)***

The tour's now over, and we had a great time, travelling with the guys, we even went to The Bahamas, but now it's time for me and Cat to go home. We're standing at the airport in London, not ready to say goodbye. The boys are about to start their break from music, and Cat and I are about to head back to San Jose to pick up our mediocre lives where we left off.

I'm gonna miss the guys, especially Nath. We had kind of started unofficially dating, and Catherine and Tom had grown really close. "I'm gonna miss you," I say to Nathan, my voice muffled in the fabric of his shirt. "Hey," he says, pulling away and grabbing my shoulders, "It's not like we're never gonna see each other again. There's Skype, and you can call me whenever. Well, except when I'm asleep, but if you do, I promise I'll call you when I can." "It's not gonna be the same, Nath," I tell him.

"Everything has to change," he answers, "Maybe this will make us stronger." "I know," I say, "But this could also tear us apart. Maybe it's just better if we forget this ever happened." "Don't say that," he says, pulling me against him again, "This was the best tour I've had. I met you, and that's something I never want to forget."

He lets go, and I hug everyone else, coming back to stand next to Nath, who links our fingers together. Cat walks around our small circle, hugging all the guys, before coming back to stand next to Tom. "As it began," she says, "So it must end. We're gonna miss you guys." We turn around and grab our bags, which we had bought and packed while travelling with the guys, and turn back, sad smiles across our faces. They surround us in a group hug, and when they pull away, I turn to Nathan. "Until next time," I say, and he suddenly kisses me. "Until next time," he agrees, pulling away.

I turn to see Cat and Tom pulling away from each other, sad looks on their faces. "Well, Cat," I say, "It's time to go." We pick up our bags once again, then turn and walk away, headed towards our gate. When we've almost reached it, my phone goes off. It's a message from Jay, saying, "Turn around."

I spin around, to be tackled by Nathan. "Sheesh," I say, "I've been gone for maybe five minutes." "I missed you the second you walked away," he whispers in my ear. "I missed you the second I turned to leave," I whisper back, and he kisses me again. I pull away, and tell him, "I really do have to go home, though. I need to finish my studies."

I pick up my bag, for the third time, and walk through the gate, leaving the boy I love behind. I store m bag overhead, taking my seat next to Cat. "What happened?" she asks, to which I reply, "Jay texted me. Told me to turn around. When I did, Nathan was there. We kissed, and I told him I really did have to leave."

She stares past me, out the window, and says, "Look, in the building window." I turn around, and there stand the guys, Nathan pressing his hand to the glass. I press my hand to the window, mirroring Nath, and he points to his wrist, signalling for me to look down at mine. I look, and somehow, there's a new bracelet wrapped around it, a silver band set with garnet and onyx.

I look back at Nathan, pointing to him, and he nods, smiling. I smile back, and all the guys start waving as the plane pulls away. Cat and I turn off our phones, settling in for the long flight home, when I notice Cat's got a new bracelet on, too. "Looks like Tom gave you a little something to remember the tour, Cat," I say, pointing at her wrist.

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