Chapter 6--Two Mistborn Walk Into A Shed

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"There has to be a balance, Vin.  Somehow, we'll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be." --Elend, Hero of Ages

"Darling, are you alright?"

Apondrea flicked a potato piece across her plate.  She hadn't heard her mother's worried question.  She had been too lost in thought, contemplating the events of the previous night down to the finest detail.  A man had been killed last night.  On her watch no less.  Sure, he'd been an awful man, but did any crime deserve death? 


And that vagabond from last night!  The princess stabbed her cutlet of ham with her fork.  Who was he really?  Did he know her identity?  He knew of her royal status, he'd hinted as much, but how much did that lengthy scamp know?  How she would throttle him if--

"Princess Apondrea of Harmony's Basin!" 

The princess looked up from her plate to see every head staring in her general direction. 

Oh my.

"Darling, is everything alright?" Her mother's face was crinkled with worry. 

Apondrea straitened her dress. "Of course, mother." Could they see the bags under her eyes?  Was her exhaustion that visible? 

"Well then, sit up straight and stop playing with your food.  You're a lady now."

"Yes mother.  I'm sorry."

"Go easy on the girl, Beldre." All gazes turned to the Lord Mistborn as he spoke. "She's had a trying few days.  Getting used to the responsibilities of the court isn't easy is it?"

Apondrea shook her head, attempting to ignore all her siblings jealous stares.  Their father tried his best, but there was no way he could dole his attention out equally to his thirteen children.  It didn't help that Apondrea did get more attention than the most of them, being the only proper mistborn of the bunch.  

"I'm fine father," she said. "I'm just a bit worn out, that's all."

"Too worn out to practice with your old man?"

Normally Apondrea would leap at the chance to learn from the Lord Mistborn himself, yet today she was tired from her adventure the night before.  She simply wished to relax this evening.  Also, her father was quite far from stupid, he'd notice her lag in reflexes if they trained.

Yet she was reluctant to decline, opportunities to learn from the most expierenced mistborn in existence didn't come often.

Apondrea allowed a slight smile to come to her face.  "Of course I feel up to a bit of training father."   

"But father, why can't I practice with you?" It was Coraline, Apondrea's younger sister by three years.   She was a Coinshot like their mother.

"Another day, darling." her father replied. "I have....something a little more active planned for your sister this afternoon."

Her little sister huffed, crossing her arms. "You always take Apondrea everywhere."

"Now Coraline," Beldre said. "You know that's not true."

"What Cora says does have some truth to it, mama." Her older sister interjected.  "Apondrea does get more time with papa than we ever did."  

Lillianna was the second born by two minutes.  She was twin to Apondrea's elder brother and heir, Lycandar.  She was also gorgeous. The twins didn't normally make an appearance at the  supper table, since being eighteen years of age they had their own social circles and schedules.  Yet for some reason, this evening Lillianna had found time to grace her family with her presence.  How Apondrea wished her older sister had stayed busy.

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