Cross Academy

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Your beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair blows though the wind as you open your window to meet the beautiful night sky.
The best fact about the night is I can be alone and watch the stars shining tho, As it reflects on your (E/C) eyes as you watch them calmly. I made a goal every night that will kill every level E's.

(knock knock) "(Y/N) you ready to go?" I look towards the door slowly opening the door
"Yes I guess.. But where is my brother? Mother?" I said looking at her
"Oh (Y/N) he's already lift, God knows where though. So come on you driver not waiting all day" kissing my cheek as she grabs my bags.

I walk over to my mirror to check my outfit, my white cross Academy uniform, how gross I thought my (H/L) straight (H/C) locks in my face I brush my fringe to the side, I look great! As I pumped myself up.

As my driver stop at the gates of cross academy "My Lady you have arrived" I looked out my window as I sign leave my lips "Thank you Carl. Please look after your self" I said to the driver as I opened the door and grabbing my bags, walking over to the gates of my new home.

I open the gates to be greeted by other vampires two to be in fact, one with yellow hair and blue eyes looking kinda childish and the other one was much taller with ginger blonde kinda hair and his brown eyes but both of them are wearing the same uniform as me, "greetings new student" I look over the the blonde one as I glare at him "my name is Lady (Y/N) (L/N) show some respect " I said both of them looked at me shocked as I walked past them "Lord kaname would like to see you and we are here to show you, my name is Hanabusa but call me Aido and this here is my cousin Akatsuki kain" Hanabusa said as I watch them walk to the building.

After we reached to the night class the boys took my bags and brought me in as I was greeted by another pure blood, he had brown kinda black hair and dark brown eyes as my (E/C) eyes meets his and I could see him smile down on me "Hello lady (Y/N) (L/N)" the male walks towards me "my name is -" i cut him off "Kaname kuran I know who you are pure blood" I said coldly "Well you seem to know me how nice and I show you to your room and then Mr Cross will like to see you in his office" kaname said showing me upstairs.

After you seen your room Kaname showed you to the headmaster cross office and here you are meeting face to face with the head of this school.
We talked about the rules of being in the night class and I learnt he had a daughter Yuki cross. Wonderful I thought

As the night went on I went to my room and unpacked my bags and set everything out after finishing my cleaning I sat on my bed thinking about this night class, how do they not wonder what will happen with these level E's? Kaname kuran what are you doing here? I thought "beautiful night sky" as I looked to my big window changing in to my pjs and ready for tomorrow.

"Bring it level E's, I bring you down"

{ updated 23rd July 2020}

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