"Why are you sounding like your saying goodbye?" Valerie asked on the brim of tears.

"Because it looks like that there is a high chance that I'm not gonna get out of this and I need to make sure that you guys will be okay in the end" Danny said sadly and then he continued, "Mum, Dad; you're the greatest parents anyone could ever have asked for and I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth sooner, I love you guys"

Maddie then cried as she and Jack put their arms through the bars and hugged their son in a tight embrace as Maddie said, "We'll always love you Danny, you'll always be my special little boy" and then Jack said, "I'm really proud to call you my son, Danny-boy"

Danny then walked over to jazz who also began crying and said, "Jazz, thank you for everything. I know you'll gonna become a really good psychologists one day, if not a therapist. I really hope you get into the school you want and you've been the best sister a brother could ever have"

"Oh little brother! I love you" Jazz cried out as she hugged him tightly.

Danny then went over to Valerie and said, "Val I'm so sorry about what happened with that ghost dog. I wish I could go back in time and fix everything"

"In a way I'm glad it happened, because I never would have made better friends who accepted me and not just because I was rich. Thanks Danny for being a true friend to me" Valerie said and then embraced him.

Danny then walked over to Tucker and for the last time, they did their secret handshake they hadn't done since they were in kindergarten and then he said, "Tuck don't ever change. I know your gonna find a girl who'll like you for who you are and you've been one of the greatest best friends I ever had"

"I feel the same way dude" Tucker said and then they embraced in a brotherly hug and he said, "Good luck man"

Danny then walked over to Sam and took her hands in his own and said, "Sam if it hadn't been for you, I never would've become who I am today and don't blame yourself for it. I wouldn't change it for the world and there's something else I need to tell you but I've been afraid to say it. Sam I..." but suddenly he was interrupted as the door opened and standing there was Plasmius himself, grinning widely.

"Isn't this sentimental? But I'm afraid Daniel's alone time with you is over" Vlad said as he duplicated himself two times and then walked up to Danny. The two duplications grabbed a hold of him and then Vlad zapped him with the Plasmius Maximus 2 which caused Danny to gasp in pain, Vlad then snapped his fingers, the shackles came off and the duplicates dragged him out of the cage.

Danny was once again placed on the examination table and strapped him down, Vlad then pushed a button that made the table go up in a vertical position, facing Daniel's family and then the duplicates of Vlad disappeared.

Vlad then walked over to the front and looked at Danny evilly and said, "Since I am a generous man, no matter what your answer is, I will allow your friends and family to go free. Now I will ask you one final time my boy and it better be the correct answer. Will you join me?"

Danny then looked over at his family and remembered the promise he made to them and then he said defiantly, "No Plasmius, I will never join you. You can torture me all you want but my answer will always remain the same, you seriously crazed-up FRUITLOOP!"

Vlad then got angry at this and slapped Danny right on the face. He then straightened up and said, "Very well Daniel you have made your decision. I guess the only thing left to do is get rid of you once and for all"

Vlad then walked over to the lab tables, Danny could see two beakers filled with a blue and red substance and he watched as Vlad filled a needle with the red substance and walked back over to Danny.

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