Chapter 1

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Maddie Fenton walked out of the kitchen, it was the middle of the night so she decided to check on Jazz and Danny before returning to the comfort of her own bed. She first opened the door to Jazz's room and saw her fast asleep, holding a psychology book in her hand, Maddie smiled at the sight and walked over to her. She gently pulled the book out of her hand and placed it on her desk, she then tucked Jazz in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, and she then walked out of the room and shut the door quietly in an effort to not wake Jazz up.

Maddie then walked up to the door of Danny's room and but as she opened it she could hear the sounds of movement and groaning. She opened the door to reveal Danny in his bed and it looked like he was having a nightmare, by the way he was tossing and turning. Maddie walked up and tried shaking him to see if she could wake him up.

"Danny, sweetie wake up" Maddie said while shaking him.

"NO! GET AWAY!" Danny screamed as he bolted awake in a cold sweat, he then looked up at his mum and hugged her tightly which was something he hadn't done in a while.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Maddie asked with concern.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare" Danny whispered tiredly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Maddie asked as she rubbed his back soothingly.

"No, not really" Danny whispered and then he fell back asleep in his mother's arms.

Maddie then smiled sadly at her son, she then gently laid him back down in his bed and tucked his blankets in. She was really starting to get worried about him, he still was constantly late coming, his grades may have improved but he was still skipping the occasional class and she had noticed some scratches or bruises on his arms or face. When she asked him about it he always told her it was just bully issues but that didn't exactly eased her mind, she could tell that somethings up with one of her children.

"Someday you'll tell me everything and when you do, I'll be there right by your side" Maddie thought as she kissed Danny on the head and walked out of the room.

Danny continued to sleep soundly, unaware that a pair of red eyes were watching him from the window.

"Soon Daniel, soon" said the mysterious stranger while holding a large sack and then he disappeared without a trace.


Danny woke up as his alarm clock went off loudly before he slammed it off, he walked to the bathroom and had a quick shower and then got changed in his usual white t-shirt and jeans.

"I hate Monday's" Danny groaned in his head.

He walked downstairs smelling his favourite breakfast, pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon, it looks like his mum found the time to cook breakfast which was actually very rare in the Fenton household since his parents were ghost hunters and they spend most of their time in the lab.

Danny entered the kitchen to find his dad eating his breakfast, Jazz reading a psychology book and his mum cooking away. He sat down and began piling himself some eggs and pancakes on his plate and then he poured himself some orange juice. He enjoyed every minute of the meal, due to the fact that because normally he would have to fight ghosts every morning, he wouldn't have time to eat something and would leave the house in a rush just to get to school on time. (IF NO GHOSTS INTERRUPT HIM ON HIS WAY TO SCHOOL THAT IS)

"Danny are you feeling better?" asked Maddie as she stopped cooking for a minute and looked at her son in concern.

"Yeah. Sorry about the scare last night" Danny apologised.

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