Chapter 2

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Danny awoke again to the sound of his alarm clock, he got dressed and headed down the stairs. When he went into the kitchen, he saw his parents talking with Officers John and Judy.

"What's going on?" Danny asked.

"Danny, these two officers want to talk to you. I'm sorry honey but, Sam's gone missing" Maddie

"WHAT?!" Danny yelled.


"Her parents said she disappeared last night while in her back yard getting some air" John explained.

"When her mother went to check on her, she wasn't there and all they found was one of her wristbands on the porch" Judy continued.

Danny started to have a panic attack, he began breathing abnormally and his heart rate sped up; first Tucker and now Sam was missing, his two best friends had disappeared! He saw his mother running towards him as his vision became blurry and he fell to his knees and fainted.

"Danny! What's wrong?" Maddie asked as she held his head on her knees. Officer Judy then got down on the ground and took a look at Danny, she opened one of his eyelids and saw his pupils dilating.

"He's having a panic attack, I'll call an ambulance" Judy said as she got out her radio and began making inquiries.

"I'll call the school and let the principle know about Danny" Jack said as he ran to the phone.


Danny slowly awoke to the sound of beeping, when he fully opened his eyes he discovered he was not at home but in a hospital room. He fully sat up and looked at his surroundings, he was still dressed in his everyday clothes and not a hospital gown, while he tried to remember what happened back at his home a nurse walked in along with his parents and Officers John and Judy.

"Danny are you okay?" Maddie asked with concern.

"I'm fine. What happened to me?" Danny asked.

"You had a massive panic attack Mr Fenton, which caused you to collapse" The nurse explained. "Can you remember what happened before the attack?"

Danny thought about it and then remembered what happened he looked down with a sad expression and replied, "Yeah I found out that Sam is now missing"

Jack and Maddie then looked at their son and attempted to comfort him by giving him a hug, Danny leaned into their embrace and began to cry on their shoulders. Sam and Tucker had been his best friends since kindergarten and now he was scared to think what was happening to them. He then moved out of their embrace and wiped his eyes on his arms.

"How long was I out for?" Danny asked.

"Three hours. The good news is that your vitals are okay and if you want, you can go to school for the rest of the day or go home and take it easy" The nurse suggested.

"What do you want to do Danny?" Maddie asked.

"I'll go to school, it might help take my mind off things" Danny answered. Maddie nodded in understanding as then nurse removed his IV tube from his arm, Danny winced as it came out and then a band aid was placed on the spot.

"Before you go, we'd like to talk to you about Sam Manson since she was with you last. If you're not up for it, we can leave it for another day" Judy offered.

"No, we can do it now" Danny said as he got off the bed.

"We'll meet you at the RV Danny boy" Jack said as he and Maddie left the room so Danny can talk to the police.

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