~The beginning~

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I remember was walking along a dark cave amidst with glowing crystals of every colour

I remember a shining bright white light filling my vision.

I remember collapsing, or perhaps floating towards the source of light.

I remember being thrown onto a large white island-like structure from the sky, a place known as 'Aether Paradise'.

And then I remember passing out.

That is everything that the glamorous, long haired blonde lady that stood in front of me wanted to know. She seemed nice enough, but she didn't give me a reason as to why she wanted this information off of me, therefore I felt as if I couldn't trust her.

"I don't remember anything." Little seven-year-old me said.

"What if I told you the information you had could save the world?" She asked.

So she didn't trust me either.

Yet what she said seemed to make me think.

What if she was telling the truth?

I decided yes, I would tell her. I wouldn't take the chance of the world being destroyed over this silly information I had.

So I did it.

She smiled at me, getting another woman to write down everything I told her.

She then took my hand.

"You don't have a home, do you? You can stay with me and my beautiful children. I'll give you a room with my daughter. You're going to love it!" She gushed, kneeling down and hugging me.

"But Miss," I said politely. "I don't even know your name."

"My name is Lusamine." She pulled away from me, smiling again. "I don't know your name either, sweetie."

I thought for a moment. A name? I don't remember ever having a name.

"I don't have a name, Miss Lusamine."

She pouted, thinking a bit before turning to he other woman. "Wicke? What would be a beautiful name for this precious young girl?" She asked.

"Hmm..." Wicke thought for a moment, tapping her pen against her clipboard. "What about Luna, the Latin word for moon?"

Miss Lusamine's smiled turned wide. "Perfect. Now let's show you your new room and let you get comfortable before dinner .Tomorrow I'm going to get you all fixed up, with a new clothes and everything!"

She took my hand and led me towards my new room, where another girl sat, playing with a doll house.

"Lillie!" Lusamine smiled. "Meet Luna, she's going to be staying with us."

Lillie stood up, and I could immediately tell she was around the same age as myself. "My name is Lillie. It's nice to meet you." She said quietly, looking at the ground shyly. The phrase sounded like it was rehearsed.

"It's nice to meet you too. I hope we can be good friends." I smiled at her.

And that seemed to be destined, as we were close friends easily within a couple of hours, after Lusamine left us to do some work.

We were soon called down for dinner, where I met another young boy with hair as blonde as his sister and mother.

This boy was introduced to me as Gladion. He was very cheerful, a couple of years older than me and never without a smile.

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